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学术报告_Encoding standing and squatting with cortical neuronal spike signals

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2010-12-14 点击量:

题目:Encoding standing and squatting with cortical neuronal spike signals
报告人:Chaolin Ma
        Center for Neural Interface Design of the Biodesign institute,
        the Harrington Department of Bioengineering,
        Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ USA 

    A challenge to show that a cortically controlled neuroprosthetics can be developed is to demonstrate that a mapping can be developed to identify a robust command pattern from the cortical signals for standing and squatting. In this experiment, we trained two monkeys to push down a weight using the lower limb on cue, and recorded neuronal activities in the motorcortex and electromyography from 12 major muscles. 1589 Neurons were recorded and could be classified into several classes: 141 (8.9%) of these neurons showed task related modulation for preparation, 310 (19.5%) for preparation demonstrated high and tonic activity level after the target on but inhibited during the actual push and release phases, 205 (12.9%) for pushing or releasing showed high peak phasic activities, while 104 (6.5%) showed tonic pattern during the holding phase of the task. The bilateral muscles do not always show synergistic activity pattern for this repetitive monotonic task of pushing down and retraction, simulating standing up and crouching down, indicating a coordination pattern more complex than the straightforward co-contraction bilaterally for this seemingly simple task.





1985.9- 1988.6  湖南农学院衡阳分院,读大专,生物专业

1988.6- 1998.8 湖南南县华阁中学,中员工物教师

1998.9- 2001.6 山东师范大学和中科院上海生理所,联合培养硕士研究生,神经生物学

2001.9- 2004.6 复旦大学,博士研究生,神经生物学

2004.4-2004.12 复旦大学神经生物学研究所,教师

2004.12- 2006.3 Arizona State University,博士后,生物医学工程

2006.3-         Arizona State University,Research Scientist

2006.3-         Arizona State University,Lab Manager

·  上海市自然科学优秀奖, 2009

·  国际综合生物医学年会最佳学术文章奖,2009

·  谈家桢九源生命科学奖一等奖, 2005

·  谈家桢九源生命科学奖二等奖, 2005

·  复旦大学唐氏科研创新基金一等奖 2002





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