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学术报告_Circuit Tracing and Monitoring Large Population Neuronal Activation with Genetically Encoded Calcium Sensors

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-04-25 点击量:

题目:Circuit Tracing and Monitoring Large Population Neuronal Activation with Genetically Encoded Calcium Sensors

主讲人:Dr. C. Ron Yu

Assistant Investigator, Stowers Institute for Medical Research




Research Focus: How olfactory sensory information is detected, integrated, and processed in the brain to influence specific innate behaviors. Their sensory systems detect information from the external world and translate the information into meaningful perception in the brain. The goal of their research is to identify the neural circuitry that detects, parses, and integrates specific sensory information and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that specify the circuitry. They employ a combination of methodologies that include molecular genetics, optical imaging, electrophysiology, behavioral assays, and systems biology to tackle a range of problems.


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