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通讯地址:Cranfield Health

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Cranfield University


Bedfordshire  MK43 0AL

United Kingdom

电邮:               s.piletsky@cranfield.ac.uk

电话:               +44 (0)1234 758300


19801985                 基辅国立大学化学系获科学硕士学位。

19861991                 莫斯科/基辅生物有机化学所获博士学位


1991                                      研究员                          基辅生物有机化学研究所

19911994                资深科学家                           分子生物与基因研究所

19961998                           博士后研究员             日本东京大学

19961997                           访问科学家                 瑞典卡尔玛大学

1997                             访问科学家                           德国雷根斯堡大学

1998                             访问科学家                           德国Poly-An GmbH公司

19981999                           Leverhulme Fellow克兰菲尔德大学

20012002                           资深研究员                 克兰菲尔德大学

2002~现在                           克兰菲尔德大学教授,生物技术中心主任



Sergey 教授现为克兰菲尔德老员工物技术中心主任。近五年Sergey 教授获得各种基金资助总额已超过350万英镑,曾经/正在主持7个欧盟项目,经费来源广泛,包括:MRCEPSRC(JREI)HPAFSAHome Office (UK)以及NOAA (USA)



Sergey 教授以第一作者/通讯作者发表文章250多篇,代表性文章如下:

1. (2010). A sulfur-sulfur cross-linked polymer synthesized from a polymerizable dithiocarbamate as a source of dormant radicals. Angew. Chem, Int. Ed., 49, 4075-4078 (IF11.829).

2. (2000). “Bite-and-switch” approach in creatine recognition by molecularly imprinted polymers. Adv. Mater., 12, 722-724 (IF 8.379).

3. (2001). Substitution of antibodies and receptors with molecularly imprinted polymers in enzyme-linked and fluorescent assays. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 16, 701-707 (IF 5.429).

4. (2001). “Bite-and-Switch” approach using computationally designed molecularly imprinted polymers for sensing of creatinine. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 16, 631-637 (IF 5.429).

5. (2003). Combination of solid phase extraction cartridges and MIP-based sensor for detection of microcystin-LR. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 18, 119-127 (IF 5.429). 6. (2004). Surface plasmon resonance sensor for domoic acid based on grafted imprinted polymer. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20, 145-152 (IF 5.429).

7. (2004). Effect of the solvent on recognition properties of molecularly imprinted polymer specific for ochratoxin A. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 20, 1060-1067 (IF 5.429).

8. (2005). A multi-biosensor based on immobilized Photosystem II on screen-printed electrodes for the detection of herbicides in river water. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20, 1984-1992 (IF 5.429).

9. (2005). Displacement imprinted polymer receptor analysis (DIPRA) for chlorophenolic contaminants in drinking water and packaging materials. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, 1171-1177 (IF 5.429).

10. (2006). Influence of initiator and different polymerisation conditions on performance of molecularly imprinted polymers, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 381-387 (IF 5.429).

11. (2006). Virtual imprinting as a tool to design efficient MIPs for photosynthesis-inhibiting herbicides. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 1948-1954 (IF 5.429).

12. (2007). Surface imprinted beads for the recognition of human serum albumin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 2322-2328 (IF 5.429).

13. (2007). Patterned gallium surfaces as molecular mirrors. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 23, 290-294 (IF 5.429).

14. (2008). Influence of continuous magnetic field on the separation of ephedrine enantiomers by molecularly imprinted polymers. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 23, 1189-1194 (IF 5.429).

15. (2008). Development of a sensor prepared by entrapment of MIP particles in electrosynthesised polymer films for electrochemical detection of ephedrine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 23, 1152-1156 (IF 5.429).

16. (2008). Fabrication of molecularly imprinted polymer microarray on a chip by mid-infrared laser pulse initiated polymerization. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 23, 1769-1775 (IF 5.429).

17. (2009). New reactive polymer for protein immobilisation on sensor surfaces. Biosens. Bioelectron., 24, 1365-1371 (IF 5.429).

18. (2009). Selection of imprinted nanoparticles by affinity chromatography Biosens. Bioelectron., 24, 2740-2743 (IF 5.429).
19. (2009). Rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of opiates in extract of poppy head via FTIR and chemometrics. Biosens. Bioelectron., 24, 3322-3328 (IF 5.429).

20. (2010). The application of polythiol molecules for protein immobilisation on sensor surfaces. Biosens. Bioelectron., 25, 1049-1055 (IF 5.429).

21. (2010). Synthesis of controlled polymeric cross-linked coatings via iniferter polymerization in the presence of tetraethyl thiuram disulphide chain terminator. Biosens. Bioelectron., 25, 2149-2155 (IF 5.429).


1. Piletsky S. A., Starodub N. F. Method for creation of selective sensor surface. RU 1787132/1992.

2. Nicholls, I. A., Piletsky, S. A., Andersson, H. S. The preparation and use of hydrophobic effect motivated template assembled polymers prepared and used in water containing media. SE 9702286-7/1997.

3. Ulbricht M., Piletsky S.A., Matuschewski H., Schedler U. Oberflächenmodifizierung von Membranen mit Templat-geprägten Polymeren sowie Anwendung der Templat-geprägten Membranen für die substanzspezifische Stofftrennung. DE 198 36 180.7/B 03.08.98.

4. Piletsky S. A., Panasyuk T. L., Piletska O., Sergeeva T. A., El’skaya A. V., Ulbricht M., Schedler U. Oberflächenmodifizierung von Mikrotiterplatten mit pH-und/oder redoxsensitiven und/oder molekular geprägten Polymeren sowie die Verwendung solcher modifizierter Mikrotiterplatten in Assays bzw. Test-und Screeningsystemen. DE 198 32 598.3/ B 09.07.98.

5. Ulbricht M., Piletsky S.A., Matuschewski H., Schedler U. Templat-geprägte Polymeroberflächen mit hoher Bindungsspezifität in wäßrigen Systemen. DE 198 55 290.4/B 24.11.98.

6. Piletsky S. A., Piletska E. V., Chen B., Karim K., Turner A. P. F. Polymerisation method, polymers and uses thereof. PCT/GB03/0012637. Piletsky S. A., Piletska E. V., Weston D., Cullen D., Schedler U., Turner A. P. F. Polymer for binding amine - containing ligands and uses thereof. PCT/GB00/01590, US6680204.

8. Piletsky S. A., Piletska E. V., El'skaya A.V., Andersson H. S., Nicholls I. A., Turner A. P. F. Molecularly imprinted polymers produced by template polymerization PCT/GB00/04085, USA 6852818.

9. Piletsky S. A., Day R. M., Chen B., Subrahmanyam S., Piletska O., Turner A. P. F. Molecularly imprinted polymers. PCT/GB01/00324.

10. Piletsky S. A., Bossi A., Piletska E. V., Karim K., Turner A. P. F. Selective binding materials. PCT/GB01/04446.

11. Piletsky, E. V. Piletska, A. Bossi, A. P. F. Turner. A method for producing a microfluidic device. PCT/GB03/002994.

12. Sergeyeva T. A., Piletsky S. A., Piletska O. V., Brovko O. O., Warner P. J., Turner A. P. F., El'skaya A. V. Porous molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. PCT/GB03/003046.

13. Ulbricht M., Sergeyeva T. A., Matuschewski H., Schedler U., Piletsky S.A. Method of producing template-textured materials with high binding specificity and selectivity and utilization of said materials. PCT/EP00/12095.

14. Piletsky S. A., Piletska A., Karim K., Legge C. Rationally designed selective binding polymers PCT/GB05/004962.

15. Piletsky S. A., Piletska O. V., Warner P.J., Bossi A., Turner A. P. F. Nucleic acid arrays replication. UK2413555.

16. Cowieson D. R., Piletsky S. A. Process. 2004039874/WO-A1.

17. Henry O., Piletsky S. A., Cullen D. Fabrication of polymeric structures. PCT/GB05/002024.

18. Piletsky S. A., Turner N.W., Piletska O., Subrahmanyam S., Turner A.P.F. Design and use of imprinted polymers with specific affinity affecting controlled release of chemicals. UK 0419096.3.

19. Piletsky S. A., Davis F., Higson S. P. J. Food spoilage sensor. UK 0419335.5.

20. Karim K., Piletsky S. A., Laitenberger P. G., Hendry S. P.. Synthetic receptor (Alfentanil).PCT/GB06/001576.

21. Karim K., Piletsky S. A., Laitenberger P. G., Hendry S. P.. Synthetic receptor (Propofol). PCT/GB06/001571.

22. Piletsky S., Dubey L., Dubey I., Piletska E., Turner A. Polymeric binding materials. PCT/GB06/002073.

23. Piletsky S.A., Guerreiro A., Piletska E.V., Chianella I., Karim K., Turner A.P.F. Preparation of soluble and colloidal imprinted polymers by living polymerization. PCT/GB06/001986.

24. Piletska E. V., Navarro Villoslada F., Piletsky S. A., Ramsdell J. Binding domoic acid. PCT/GB07/000289.

25. Piletska E., Guerreiro A., Romero-Guerra M., Chianella I., Turner A., Piletsky S. Binding drugs of abuse. PCT/GB07/000945.

26. Piletsky S. A., Moczko E., Meglinski I. Optical monitoring method. UK0719373-3.

27. Piletsky S., Chegel V., Whitcombe M. Photoactivation by surface plasmon resonance. PCT/GB07/002883.

28. Lakshmi D., Whitcombe M., Chianella I., Piletsky S. Method for the formation of conjugated polymers. UK 085452.0.

29. Karim K., Piletsky S. A., Henry O., Laitenberger P. Sensor (detection upon release) PCT/GB08/000697.

30. Karim K., Piletsky S. A., Henry O., Laitenberger P. Sensor (conductive MIP). PCT/GB08/000700.

31. Turner A. P. F., Piletsky S. A., Whitcombe M., Chianella I. Grafted substrates for assays and sensors. UK0820142.8.

32. Piletsky S. A., Guerreiro A., Piletska O., Whitcombe M. J. Microplates with enhanced immobilisation capabilities. UK 0900777.4

33. Piletsky S. A., Whitcombe M. J., Ivanova-Mitseva P., Lakshmi D. Polymers containing dormant radicals. UK 0912212.8.

34. Piletsky S. A., Guerreiro A., Whitcombe M. J. Preparation of soluble and colloidal molecularly imprinted polymers. UK 0921025.3.

35. Piletsky S. A., Whitcombe M. J., Ivanova-Mitseva P. K., Lakshmi D. Functional conjugated polymers. UK 1007905.1.

36. Piletsky S. A., Piletska O., Coker R. Solid phase extraction of ochratoxins. EP2134435(A1).

37. Piletsky S. A., Piletska O., Coker R. Modified cartridge with adsorbent polymer for solidphase extraction (SPE). WO2009098522 (A1).

38. Coker R., Piletsky S. A., Piletska O. Fluorescent polymers and methods for solid-phase extraction. GB0911743.3.

39. Coker R., Piletsky S. A., Piletska O. Solid phase extraction of aflatoxins. EP2115021 (A1).

40. Coker R., Piletsky S. A., Piletska O. Reactive polymers for solid-phase extraction. GB0915329.7.


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