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学术报告_Title Memory Circuits uses a synaptic AMPK-dependent positive feedback loop and is switched by hunger state

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-05-16 点击量:

报告题目: Title Memory Circuits uses a synaptic AMPK-dependent positive feedback loop and is switched by hunger state

报告人单位: Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA 20147, US

报告人:Dr. Yunlei Yang (杨云雷博士)





1997 - 2000. Master candidate in Medicine. Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

2000 - 2003. PhD candidate in Neuroscience. Institute of Neuroscience; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai, P.R. China

2003 - 2006. Postdoctoral Associate. The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

2006 – 2009. Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Neurology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029

March, 2009– current. Research Specialist. Janelia Farm research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institutes, Ashburn, VA.



1. Yang Y, Sternson SM (2011) Flip-flop Memory Circuits Uses a Synaptic AMPK-dependent Positive Feedback Loop and is Switched by Hunger State. Cell  in press.

2. Tian L, Yang Y, Wysocki LM, Arnold AC, Hu A, Ravichandran B, Sternson SM, Looger LL, Lavis LD (2011). Cell-Specific Molecular Unmasking with an Esterase-Ester Pair. Nat. Chem. Biol. submitted

3. Yang Y*, Wang Xb & Zhou Q* (2010) Perisynaptic GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors control the reversibility of synaptic and spines modifications.  Proc. Natal. Acad. SCI. USA. 107:11999-12004. (Direct submission) (* co-corresponding author)

4.  Yang Y & Zhou Q (2009) Spine modifications associated with long-term potentiation.  Neuroscientist 15: 464-476 (invited review).

5. Yang Y, Wand Xb, Frerking M & Zhou Q (2008) Delivery of AMPA receptors to perisynaptic sites precedes the full expression of long-term potentiation. Proc. Natal. Acad. SCI. USA. 105: 11388-11393. (Featured by Faculty of 1000 Biology).

6. Yang Y, Wand Xb, Frerking M & Zhou Q (2008) Spine expansion and stabilization associated with long term potentiation.  J Neuroscience 28: 5740-5751. 

7. Wang Xb, Yang Y & Zhou Q (2007) Independent expression of synaptic and morphological plasticity associated with long-term depression. J Neuroscience 27: 12419- 2429. (Hightlighted).

8. Yang Y, Ge W, Zhang Z, Shen W, Wu C, Poo MM & Duan S (2003) Contribution of  astrocytes to hippocampal long-term potentiation through release of D-serine. Proc. Natal. Acad. SCI. USA 100: 15194-15199. (Direct submitted).    

9.  Yang Y-l, Yao K-h, Gu Y-z, Guan B & Li Z-w (2003) Three kinds of current in response to substance P in bullfrog DRG neurons. Brain Research, 981:70-77.

10. Yang Y-l, Yao K-h & Li Z-w (2003) Similarities of SP-, NKA- and NKB-induced currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Brain Research, 991:18-25.   


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