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学术讲座_The Science of Fractal Stimulations: TENS, Acupuncture, Meditation and Artificial Intelligence

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-09-26 点击量:

题目:The Science of Fractal Stimulations: TENS, Acupuncture, Meditation and Artificial Intelligence

主讲人:Dr. Richard Cheng




TENS, Acupuncture and meditation have been shown successfully to treat many pain syndromes and various illnesses. Research has indicated the mechanism that they release endorphins, serotonin, other neurotransmitters and hormones for pain and disease treatments. Recently we discover and develop a new technique by manipulating a fractal dynamic-stimulation which is found to be more effective and helpful to treat pain and restore health to the patients.


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