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The World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-11-28 点击量:

the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012) (http://www.wc2012.org/) will be held at Beijing International Convention Centre in Beijing, China, from 26th to 31st of May, 2012. Which is hosted by International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM) International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)


During the World Congress 2012, the participants will share the latest information on global health challenges, advanced technologies and innovative applications. It will be a window to show participants the up-to-date picture of research, education development and industrial contribution in the field of medical physics and biomedical engineering. Beijing has hundreds year history as the capital of China and is the key city with academic and economic functions. She is also a hub of international/domestic traffic communication.


I. Key topics


There are 20 themes of the Congress, you can find the details in website: (http://www.wc2012.org/Topic.html). You may be interested in the following theme.


Theme 02: Diagnostic Imaging                                


1.      X-ray Imaging/ Mammography

2.      Computed Tomography

3.      Magnetic Resonance Imaging

4.      Ultrasound Imaging

5.      SPECT and PET

6.      Multi-Modality Imaging

7.      Imaging Bioimpedance and Bioelectric Sources

8.      Optical Imaging

9.      Phase Contrast Imaging

10.    Image Processing

11.    Imaging Detector Technology  (Track Chair: Qingguo Xie)

12.    Simulation Methods: Digital Phantoms and Monte Carlo Methods

13.    Quantitative Imaging for Diagnosis and Treatment

14.    Dose, Risk and Dose Optimization

15.    Quality Assurance





The Organizing Committee of the World Congress 2012 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering invites the submission of abstract for consideration in the final program and the submission of papers for consideration for publication in IFMBE Proceedings. Any submission should have half-page (within 300 words) abstract, and 2-4 page paper is welcome and optional. Deadline for Final Abstract Submission (half-page) & Paper Submission (optional) is December 31, 2011.


All abstracts and papers must be original work. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be required to register for the conference before February 20, 2012, in order to secure that their abstracts and papers are included in the congress proceeding and the IFMBE Proceedings.


Contributions will be peer-reviewed and presented as either a poster or an oral presentations within the scientific program. Submitting authors have the option of choosing their presentation preference: oral or poster, but the Scientific Committee and Program Committee will make the final decision, also reserves the right to accept or reject for inclusion in the conference program. For the poster author, please note that during the poster exhibition periods, specific time slot will be scheduled for author attendance.


You can find specific format requirements of abstract & paper in website. (http://www.wc2012.org/instruction.html )



III. Contact Information:


The World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Secretariat

Address: Room416, East Hall, China Hall of Science and Technology, No. 3, Fuxing Road, Beijing 100863, China

E-mail: info@wc2012.org

Tel: +86-10-62174061

Fax: +86-10-62180142

Official Website: http://www.wc2012.org/index.htm



II. Paper submission information

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电话:027-87792072   版权所有:威廉希尔williamhill(中国)-官方网站