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学术讲座_Trabecular Bone Characterization in Humans on the Continuum between a Plate and a Rod using Multi-Detector CT and Volumetric Topological Analyses

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2011-12-12 点击量:


Title:  Trabecular Bone Characterization in Humans on the Continuum between a Plate and a Rod using Multi-Detector CT and Volumetric Topological Analyses

Reporter:  Dr. Punam K. Saha

Time:  2011/12/12 Monday, 10:00 AM

Address:  D11Building  221 Meeting Room


Dr. Punam K. Saha is working as an Associate Professor in Departments of ECE and Radiology, University of Iowa and directs the Structural Imaging Laboratory. His present research interests include biomedical imaging applications, trabecular bone imaging, computer vision and image processing, scaleand class uncertainty theory, quantitative digital topology and geometry. He has published over 80 papers in international  journals and over 150 papers/abstracts in international conferences. He received a Young Scientist award from the Indian Science Congress Association in 1996. He has served as an associate editor for Pattern Recognition and Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics journals; currently, he is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. He has served as a program committee member for several international conferences. He has received several grant awards from the National Institute of Health, USA.

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