主讲人:Prof. Osada Yoshihito RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Japan
时 间:2014年11月27日下午2:00 -4:00
地 点:威廉希尔足球东十一楼二楼会议室
Osada Yoshihito教授是高分子水凝胶领域研究的世界著名专家,现为日本理化研究所副所长,曾任日本北海道大学副董事长。Yoshihito Osada教授在智能高分子水凝胶研究领域做出了杰出贡献,在Nature等国际著名科学杂志上发表论文近300篇,是目前在该领域十分活跃的科学家。Osada Yoshihito教授主要研究纳米微器件、人工肌肉、智能高分子水凝胶、表面超分子化学等。
We have been employing polymer gels to create biomimetic soft&wet motility systems. Here, the point is how to integrate the deformation on a molecular level to macroscopic level. Examples include gel-looper, gelf (gel golf), shape memory gel actuators, chemical motors etc. Relating to these, we also developed soft- and wet-gels with extremely strong mechanical strength (Double-Network Gel) and extremely low surface friction.
We report here a new type of ATP fueled gel machines constructed from the muscle protein: actin -myosin and microtubule (MT)-chinesin. Chemically cross-linked protein gels successfully moved along the immobilized motor proteins by coupling to ATP hydrolysis (Nano-Biomachine) through their multi-scale hierarchical structure.
The emphasis should be made that these artificial bio-machines can move with much increased velocity and much increased power (energy) than those of the native proteins. This means the covalently bound protein gels are able to exert Emergent Function synchronizing and integrating between component network fibers. The mechanism will be discussed.