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学术报告—How do cells get the right numbers of chromosomes?

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2015-06-30 点击量:

时  间:2015年7月8日 14:00--16:00
地  点:威廉希尔足球二楼会议室
报告人:刘洪 博士(HHMI/UT Southwestern Medical Center)
刘洪博士长期从事癌症发病机理的研究。基因不稳定性(Chromosome instability, CIN)是癌症细胞最显著的特征之一,在癌症发生和发展过程中起着非常关键的作用。在细胞周期中,不正确的染色体分离是导致基因不稳定性的主要途径之一。利用酵母和人源癌症细胞系,刘洪博士深入和系统的研究了在细胞周期中精确控制染色体分离的分子机制。目前已发表SCI论文13篇, 其中,以第一作者在 Nature Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, Current Biology, PLOS Genetics等重要刊物上发表论文8篇,为深入研究基因不稳定性和癌症发病机理奠定了坚实的理论基础
1. Hong Liu, Qianhui Qu, Ross Warrington, Allyson Rice, Ningyan Cheng, and Hongtao Yu. (2015) Mitotic Transcription Installs Sgo1 at Centromeres to Coordinate Chromosome Segregation. (Molecular Cell, in press)
2. Liu, H., Jia, L., and Yu, H. (2013). Phospho-H2A and cohesin specify distinct tension-regulated Sgo1 pools at kinetochores and inner centromeres. Curr Biol 23, 1927-1933.
3. Liu, H., Rankin, S., and Yu, H. (2013). Phosphorylation-enabled binding of SGO1-PP2A to cohesin protects sororin and centromeric cohesion during mitosis. Nat Cell Biol 15, 40-49.
4. Jin, F.*, Liu, H.*, Li, P., Yu, H.G., and Wang, Y. (2012). Loss of function of the Cik1/Kar3 motor complex results in chromosomes with syntelic attachment that are sensed by the tension checkpoint. PLoS Genet 8, e1002492. (* Co-first author)
5. Liu, H.*, Jin, F*., Liang, F., Tian, X., and Wang, Y. (2011). The Cik1/Kar3 motor complex is required for the proper kinetochore-microtubule interaction after stressful DNA replication. Genetics 187, 397-407. (* Co-first author)
7. Liu, H., Liang, F., Jin, F., and Wang, Y. (2008). The coordination of centromere replication, spindle formation, and kinetochore-microtubule interaction in budding yeast. PLoS Genet 4, e1000262.
8. Liu, H., and Wang, Y. (2006). The function and regulation of budding yeast Swe1 in response to interrupted DNA synthesis. Mol Biol Cell 17, 2746-275.




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