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学术报告:The ultrastructural relationship between osteocytes and implant materials

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2016-04-13 点击量:

Professor  Yin Xiao  Ph.D.

Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation,

Queensland University of Technology

Science and Engineering Faculty,

Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering,

Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics


Professor Yin Xiao is a professor in Bone and Tissue Engineering at Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He is the Director of Australia-China Centre for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine and a group leader of the bone and clinical research program. He obtained his BDSc and MDSc from Wuhan University (Hubei Medical University), China, with more than 10 years clinical experience. In 2000, he graduated with a PhD from School of Dentistry at the University of Queensland, Australia, and worked as a research officer there for two years following his graduation. This was followed by an NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship at the School of Life Sciences at the QUT. In 2004 he was awarded an NHMRC Visiting Fellowship for 6 month at the Bone Tissue Engineering Centre at the University of Carnegie Mellon, PA, USA. During this period (20032007) he was also appointed an Honorary Research Advisor to the School of Dentistry, UQ. In 2012 he was appointed a Professor of Bone Biology and Tissue Engineering at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at QUT and has been appointed to a number of honorary senior positions in several Universities, including currently an adjunct professor at Griffith University and three Chinese universities: Wuhan University in Wuhan; Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, and Fujian Medical University in Fuzhou.


Osteocytes, the most abundant cells in bone, have multiple functions, including acting as mechanosensors and regulating mineralization. It is clear that osteocytes influence bone remodeling by controlling the differentiation and activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Determining the relationship between titanium implants and osteocytes may therefore benefit our understanding of the process of osseointegration.

We visualized the ultrastructural relationship between osteocytes and biomaterials such as the titanium implant surface following osseointegration and bone substitutes in vivo. Compared with mature bone, where the osteocytes were arranged in an ordered fashion, the osteocytes appeared less organized in the newly formed bone around the titanium implant. Further, a layer of mineralization with few organic components was observed on the implant surface. This study shows for the first time that osteocytes and their dendrites are directly connected with the implant surface. The direct anchorage of osteocytes via dendritic processes to a titanium implant surface was firstly visualized. We found an important regulatory role for osteocytes and their lacunar-canalicular network in maintaining long-term osseointegration and degradation of biomaterials.


  间:2016415日(周五),晚上700- 830



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