报告人:王希胤 教授
时间:2016.6.20 上午9:30-10:30
报告摘要:Due to their economical importance, 8 grass plants have been sequenced their genomes. Comparative genomics analysis of these genomes will contribute to understanding their evolution, speciation and functional innovation. Here, by adopting gene-colinearity alignment tools, we aligned the genome sequences of the 8 grasses. An initial analysis indicates that rice has been evolving both in genome structure and nucleotide substitution, and other grasses often evolution ~2/15 faster, proving rice a good model of grasses considering its small genome size and fewer transposon activities. We found that the maize-specific polyploidization occurred just about its divergence from sorghum, adding further evidence that apolyploidization event could directly contribute to speciation. By checking genes preserving gene colinearity among genomes, we reconstructed ancestral genome contents on major evolutionary nodes during grass evolution, and by referring to a newly proposed 7-protochromosome model before grass-common polyploidization, we reconstructed the genome content before and after the event. By using the novel fossil evidence, we updated the evolutionary and divergent times of grasses, suggesting that the grass-common polyploidization to occur ~100 million years ago, which was definitely not related to the great Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction as previously inferred. Grossly, the alignment of 8 grasses lays a solid foundation to perform credible genomics analysis of them by providing rice information at divergent levels, such gene relatedness and genome structure changes.
王希胤博士为华北理工大学教授、 生命科学学院经理、基因组中心主任;省自然科学基金项目评阅专家组成员;乔治亚大学研究员,领导生物信息学研究小组。毕业于北京大学,获理学博士学位(生化与分子生物学专业,生物信息学方向)。主要研究方向:生物信息学,比较和进化基因组学,生物大数据理论与分析。主要作品发表在<Nature>(4)、<Science>(2)、<Nature Genetics>、<Plant Cell>(2)等重要杂志上 。主持国家自然基金面上项目3项,美国自然科学基金项目1项及其它课题多项。
• 生物信息学:把数学、计算科学、生物学等多个学科紧密结合,开发分析基因组学、转录组学的大数据的算法、软件和数据库,被近100个国家研究人员广泛引用和下载,成为植物基因组学分析重要研究平台,并受到美国自然科学基金先后2个项目的资助。
• 比较和进化基因组学:在棉花、高粱、白菜、油菜、苷蓝、西红柿、桑树等多个植物基因组测序的大型国际合作项目中,任生物信息学和比较基因组学研究的首席科学家(PI);关于植物(特别是经济作物)基因组多倍化、DNA非正常重组和基因置换、基因组不稳定性和大规模重排的机制、植物古代基因组重构、重复基因的进化机制、基因家族的功能演化等方面发表了一系列重要研究成果,被广泛引用。
邀请人:郭安源 教授