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学术报告:Impact of a chronic exposure to low doses of pesticide on our gut

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2016-07-13 点击量:

学术报告:Impact of a chronic exposure to low doses of pesticide on our gut
报告人:Corinne Prevostel

摘要:Diets low in fibers and high in calories, fat calories, meat, heavy alcohol consumption and smoke tobacco, have been clearly identified as major risk factors for the development of Colo-Rectal Cancers (CRC). However, exposure to multiple pesticide residues associated with life-style (environment and diet) may also represent a largely unexplored potential risk factor. Since 1-CRC is in constant progression in developed countries including France and China, 2-developped countries extensively use pesticide, 3- France extensively use fungicide likely due to its position as the world’s leading wine producer and, 4- the two fungicide cyprodinyl and pyrimethanyl are on the top 5 most frequent pesticide residues detected in the french diet (ANSES, 2011, Second French Total Diet Study (TDS2) Report 2), we address the question of whether a chronic exposure to the three anilinopyrimidines cyprodinyl, mepanipyrim, and pyrimethanyl may have an incidence on bowel disease including CRC. Our recent in vitro data clearly demonstrate that picomolar doses of those pesticide increase proliferation, promote cell survival and drastically disturb cell-cell contacts when chronically applied on human CRC cells. In vivo experiments performed in collaboration with Dr. V. Perrier (INSERM Unit 1198, University of Montpellier) demonstrate that a chronic exposure to the maximal dose authorized in the drinking water for 8 months associates with an hypertrophy of intestine lymph nodes for 100% exposed mice (n=36), as well as with the presence of adenomas while no visible effects for the control group drinking normal water.

Dr Corinne PREVOSTEL is a Senior Scientist at the French National Institute of Scientific and Medical Research (INSERM) in Montpellier, France.
She got her PhD at the university of medicine in Montpellier, working on a mutated form of PKCα (Protein Kinase C alpha) expressed in pituitary, thyroid and breast cancers (INSERM Unit 469, Montpellier, France)1-5,8. Then, she moved on to the Imperial Cancer Research Fundation (ICRF) of London for 3 years in order to further investigate the mechanistic basis of PKCα  involvement in breast cancer cells 6-8,10.
Back to Montpellier as a permanent INSERM researcher, she carried on her research on the study of PKC involvement in the tumorigenesis of endocrine tissues and she worked on projects aiming at deciphering the role of PKCα and the SOX9 transcription factor in the physiopathology of the intestine and especially in colon cancer at the Functional Genomic Institute (IGF, INSERM Unit 661) and then at the Research Center of Macromolecular Biochemistry (CRBM, CNRS Unit 5237) 9,11-18. Beginning of 2015, she joined the new team “Integrative cancer research for personalized medicine in gastro-intestinal Oncology” at the Cancer Research Institute of Montpellier (IRCM, INSERM Unit 1194) to perform fundamental to clinical translational research. In collaboration with Dr Veronique PERRIER (INSERM Unit 1198, Montpellier, France) and Pr Jianfeng LIU (HUST, Wuhan, China) she recently initiated a new project dedicated to the study of the incidence of a chronic exposure to low doses of pesticide found in our food on the physiopathology of the intestine.

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