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学术报告:The next generation of high spatiotemporal resolution live cell imaging

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2020-11-10 点击量:

报告人: 陈良怡  教授/博导  杰青


时间: 2020年11月12日 14:00-15:00

地点: 威廉希尔足球221会议室

邀请人: 马聪教授



近年来陈良怡教授一直致力于高时空分辨率生物医学成像手段的研究。主要研究包括:1.高分辨率微型化双光子显微镜 2.高分辨率双光子扫描光片显微镜 3.超灵敏海森结构光超分辨率显微镜 4.首次提出并发明下一代活细胞双模态超分辨率显微镜 5.利用活细胞超分辨率成像预测佩梅病临床疾病表型以及筛选精准对症药物。这些技术成果不仅推动了国内外许多合作者的生物医学基础研究工作,还将原创技术转化成为国内急需的高端显微镜产品。研究成果先后发表于Cell Res.,Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, Biomed Opt Express., Elife,  Light Science and Applications等国际知名期刊。


1. Dong D., Huang X., Li L., Mao H., Mo Y., Zhang G., Zhang Z., Shen J., Liu W., Wu Z., et al. Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome. Light Sci. Appl. 2020;9:11.

2. Zhao J, Zong W, Zhao Y, Gou D, Liang S, Shen J, Wu Y, Zheng X, Wu R, Wang X, Niu F, Wang A, Zhang Y, Xiong JW, Chen L*, Liu Y*. Elife. 2019 Jan 29;8. pii: e41540

3。Huang X, Fan J, Li L, Liu H, Wu R, Wu Y, Wei L, Mao H, Lal A, Xi P, Tang L, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Tan S*, Chen L*. Fast, long-term super-resolution imaging with Hessian structured illumination microscopy, Nat Biotech., 2018 Jun;36(5):451-459.

4. Zong W, Wu R, Li M, Hu Y, Li Y, Li J, Rong H, Wu H, Xu Y, Lu Y, Jia H, Fan M, Zhou Z, Zhang Y*, Wang A*, Chen L*, Cheng H. Fast High-resolution Miniature Two-photon Microscopy for Brain Imaging in Freely-behaving Mice at the Single-synapse Level. Nat Methods. 2017 Jul;14(7):713-719.

5. Yuan T, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wei L, Zhao S, Zheng X, Huang X, Boulanger J, Gueudry C, Lu J, Xie L, Du W, Zong W, Yang L, Salamero J, Liu Y*, Chen L*. Diacylglycerol Guides the Hopping of Clathrin-Coated Pits along Microtubules for Exo-Endocytosis Coupling. Dev Cell. 2015, 35(1):120-30.

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