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学术报告:Assembly of nano-polysaccharides and plant polyaromatics at interfaces

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-11-12 点击量:

题目:Assembly of nano-polysaccharides and plant polyaromatics at interfaces

报告人:Prof. Orlando J. Rojas


地点: 东十二楼201


摘要: Particles derived from nano-polysaccharides, lignins and tannic acids are renewable and sustainable answers to some of the demands of the future bioeconomy. They have been at the center of our interest in efforts to reveal their remarkable opportunities, especially for the formulation of multi-phase systems, including emulsions and foams. Various options for deployment of related, emerging nano- and micro structures are anticipated considering their morphogenesis, interfacial activity and their ability to network and self-assemble in aqueous suspension, especially applicable to nanocelluloses and nanochitins. The combination with surfactants and surface functionalization expands further the possibilities, for example, in converting emulsions into high order, 3D structures, stimuli-responsive and bioactive materials. In these and other applications, we consider cost drivers and scalability, both of which are quite promising. Our recent research in these areas will be summarized, providing some leading examples of the potential of such fascinating bio-based materials.


Professor Orlando Rojas is a Canada Excellence Research Chair under a program that supports world renowned researchers to establish ambitious research in Canada. In this condition he shares affiliation with three departments of top-ranked University of British Columbia: Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry and Wood Science. He maintains part of his research group, Bio-based Colloids and Materials, in Aalto University, Finland, where he has been professor in the departments of Bioproducts and Biosystems and Applied Physics. He has been the chair of the Materials Platform.

Professor Rojas is the recipient of the 2018 Anselme Payen Award, the highest recognition in the area of cellulose and renewable materials, Fellow of the American Chemical Society, the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and is the recipient of the 2015 Tappi Nanotechnology Award. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers related to the core of his research dealing with nanostructures from renewable materials and their utilization in multiphase systems.

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