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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-10-08 点击量:

报告题目: Dissecting the molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission

报告人 : 胡志涛   Ph.D. 研究员  澳大利亚Queensland脑研究员

邀请人: 高尚邦教授

报告时间: 20191010(周四)12:30-13:15

报告地点: 生科院二楼大会议室


Dr. Hu has a broad background in electrophysiology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, cell biology and cellular neurobiology. His research focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of synaptic transmission and the function of neural circuits, with publications in Science, Cell, Neuron, eLife, Cell reports etc.. Dr. Hu is currently supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project grant, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Project grant, NARSAD young investigator grant, and NIH R21 grant. The long-term goal of his research is to understand how synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity are regulated by the synaptic release machinery. In addition, he is interested how scaffolding proteins and cell adhesion molecules are involved in modulation of synaptic function and neurological disorders, such as autism and epilepsy. He utilizes behavioral, genetic, biochemical, imaging, and electrophysiological techniques to study signaling in the brain of the worm C. elegans. Current research lines focus on: (1) balance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter release in the nervous system. (2) protein code for release kinetics of synaptic transmission; (3) molecular mechanism for distinct synaptic vesicle release modes; (4) regulation of behavioral plasticity at molecular and circuit levels; (5) Functional analysis of autism candidate genes in regulating synaptic function.

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