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学术报告:Cardiac MR: linking image to physiology and function

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-06-20 点击量:

报告题目: Cardiac MR: linking image to physiology and function

报告人:钟良,新加坡国立心脏研究所 首席研究员、新加坡杜克大学医学院 副教授



邀请人:肖鹏 教授


Assoc Prof. Zhong is a Principal Investigator in National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) and Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore. Assoc Prof Zhong specialises in bioengineering, cardiovascular physiology, biomechanics and medical device technology. He heads a team of research engineers and clinicians at the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Theme, with advanced capabilities in image post-processing, high-performance computing for simulation, and patient-specific finite element modeling of the heart.

He has co-authored more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 18 book chapters. He has received the Young Investigator Award (twice) from Singapore Cardiac Society (2011 and 2012), Young Investigator Award from Asean Federation of Cardiology (2012), and Sejong Medical Award from Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society (2012). Assoc Prof Zhong has been the principal investigator for a number of research grants awarded by Singapore National Medical Research Council, Biomedical Research Council, and Singapore Engineering & Research Council for work in cardiac and vascular remodeling in cardiovascular disease.


Ÿ Principal Investigator, National Heart Research Institute Singapore, National Heart Centre Singapore

Ÿ Associate Professor, SingHealth Duke-NUS Cardiovascular Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (CVS ACP), Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Ÿ Associate Professor, Signature Research Programme in Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disorders (CVMD), Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Ÿ Chair, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Singapore Chapter

Ÿ Committee, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Singapore Chapter


Ÿ Leng S, Tan RS, Zhao XD, Allen JC, Koh AS, Zhong L. Validation of a rapid semi-automated method to assess left atrial longitudinal phasic strains on cine cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2018;20:71.

Ÿ Koh A, Leng S, Tan RS, Gao F, Kovalik JP, Ching J, Yuan JM, Koh WP, Zhong L. Dissecting clinical and metabolomics associations of left atrial phasic function by cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking. Sci Rep 2018; 8(1):8138.

Ÿ Zhong L, Zhang JM, Su BY, Tan RS, Allen J, Kassab G. Application of patient-specific computational fluid dynamics in coronary and intra-cardiac flow simulations: challenges and opportunities. Front Physiol 2018;9:742.

Ÿ Zhang JM, Shuang D, Baskaran L, Wu W, Teo SK, Huang W, Gobeawan L, Allen JC, Tan RS, Su X, Ismail NB, Wan M, Su B, Zou H, Low R, Zhao XD, Chi Y, Zhou J, Su Y, Lomarda AM, Chin CY, Fam JM, Keng FYJ, Wong ASL, Tan JWC, Yeo KK, Wong PEH, Chin CT, Ho KW, Yap J, Kassab GS, Chua T, Koh TH, Tan SY, Lim ST, Zhong L. Advanced analyses of computed tomography coronary angiography can help discriminate ischemic lesions. Int J Cardiol; 2018:267:208-214.

Ÿ Zou H, Xi C, Zhao XD, Koh A, Gao F, Su Y, Tan RS, Allen J, Lee LC, Genet M, Zhong L. quantification of biventricular strains in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction patients using hyperelastic warping method. Front Physiol 2018;9:1295.



Ÿ Singhealth Publish Award (Medical Research) (Dr Zhong Liang), Singhealth Group, Singapore (2014)

Ÿ Best Publication Gold Award, Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (Dr Zhong Liang) (2013)

Ÿ Young Investigator Award (First Prize), Asean Federation of Cardiology (Dr Zhong Liang) (2012)


Ÿ NMRC CSA-INV Grant (PI: Dr Angela Koh) “TO-ChERIsH: Trajectory of Cardiovascular Ageing, Its Determinants and Impact on Health” (2019-2022)

Ÿ NMRC Open-Fund IRG Grant (PI: Dr. Zhong Liang) "Integrated computational modeling of blood flow and mechanics in congenital heart disease (INITIATE study)" (2016-2020)

Ÿ NMRC Bench-to-Bedside Research Grant (PI: Dr. Zhong Liang and Assoc/Prof Lim Soo Teik) "Validation of a predictive model of coronary fractional flow reserve in patients with intermediate coronary stenosis" (2015-2019)

Ÿ AHA Grant (PI: Dr Lee LC) “Quantifying regional ventricular mechanics in patients with pulmonary hypertension” (2017-2019)

Ÿ BMRC Grant (PI: Dr Zhong Liang) "Imaging-based diagnosis of diffuse coronary artery disease and quantification of cardiac remodeling in obesity" (2014-2017)


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability globally. As such, novel diagnostic strategies and new therapeutic interventions are required to improve clinical outcomes in cardiovascular diseases. Cardiac imaging has evolved into a major tool to elucidate the physiology/pathophysiology and to assess function/dysfunction of the heart. It also allows the assessment of prognosis of patients with cardiovascular disease.  

Cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images contain rich 4-D spatio-temporal information that have been largely unexploited in routine image interpretation. Feature-tracking as well as other novel post-acquisition analyses (i.e. curvedness-based approach) of these images have potential to yield clinical meaningful readouts that can allow detailed dissection of heart chamber global and regional, systolic and diastolic function. Their applications for diagnosis and prognosis of heart disease (i.e. heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension) are also discussed.

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