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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-06-10 点击量:

报告题目: 化学交联质谱在生物研究领域的应用

报告人  : Dr. Juan ZouUniversity of Edinburgh

报告时间: 20196109:30-11:00


邀请人  :杨祥良 教授



2009 – Present: Proteomics data analysis manager, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology (WCB), the University of Edinburgh

2007 – 2009 Study Director, Concept Life Science, Dundee, UK

2000 – 2007: Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow, Renal Autoimmunity Group (RAG), Queen’s Medical Research Institute, the University of Edinburgh, UK

1998 – 2000: Wellcome Trust International Travelling Research Fellow

1996 – 1998: Postdoctoral Researcher, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, the Peking University, Beijing, China

Qualifications and Awards

September 2005 – September 2007 (part time) M. Sc.in bioinformatics, School of informatics, the University of Edinburgh

June 1993 – April 1996 Ph.D Medicinal chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Science, the Peking University and Nanjing University (joint programme).

Thesis: Synthesis, characterization, antitumor activity and toxicity studies of new cisplatin analogues

Award: Progressive Scholarship in Science and Technology of China (with Prof. Kui Wang, supervisor)



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