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学术报告:Manipulation of RNA metabolism using engineered RNA binding proteins

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-04-30 点击量:

报告人:王泽峰 研究员中科院马普计算生物学研究所所长 中科院计算生物重点实验室主任





主要从事RNA剪接加工及其关联的系统生物学技术应用研究,致力于利用计算生物学方法研究RNA剪接在基因组层面的调控机理及剪接异化在癌症中的作用;并利用合成生物学方法设计构建人工蛋白质来操控RNA剪接加工,为治疗RNA相关疾病提供新途径。其工作获得多项国际和国内奖励,包括杰弗逊基础医学奖(Jefferson-Pilot Fellowships in Academic Medicine Award)、Kimmel 学者奖、贝克曼青年学者奖、斯隆研究奖 (Alfred Sloan Research Fellow)RNA学会青年学者奖、马普学者奖(Max-Planck Fellow)等;受邀任JBCJ Recept Signal Transduct ResRNA & Disease等期刊编委,兼任中科院营养健康所学术委员会主任,及多个国家及中科院重点实验室学委会成员。

The RNA processing plays a central role in controlling gene expression, and dysregulations in RNA processing are closely associated with human diseases. Therefore, manipulation of RNAs with bioengineering approaches can provide a powerful tool to facilitate the study of gene regulation and the development of new therapeutic approaches. Using a synthetic biology approach, we have designed a class of artificial proteins that contain a programmable RNA recognition module (PUF domain) and a function module. The PUF domain can recognize RNA targets in a predictable fashion: it contains eight tandem repeats that each recognizes a single base in consecutive RNA fragment. Such interactions resemble typical Watson-Crick base pairs found in dsRNA, enable the tight binding of PUF-RNA whose specificity can be reprogrammed. We have used these artificial factors to specifically manipulate RNAs in the steps of splicing and RNA degradation, and RNA editing.  We further explored the therapeutic applications of this new “transcriptome editing” approach in treating human diseases caused by toxic RNAs.

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