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学术报告: Controlling and monitoring drug release using self-decomposable nanocarriers

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2019-04-16 点击量:

报告人  :李泉 教授,香港中文大学

报告时间: 20195910:00-11:30


邀请人  :杨祥良 教授、李子福 教授


Quan Li is Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She obtained her B.S. in Chemistry from Beijing University in 1997, and her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University in 2001. She joined CUHK in 2002 as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor and Professor in 2007, and 2011, respectively. Her research interests include functional materials and structures for biomedical applications, and quantum sensing. In investigating nano-bio interfaces, her group works on manipulating the interplay of nanoparticles and biological systems, as well as nano-vaccine development. Her work of quantum sensing is devoted to sensor development and applications in both condense matter physics and biomedicine.


In the present talk, I will discuss our design of SiO2 based self-decomposable nanoparticles as effective drug carriers for cancer therapeutics. A co-growth mechanism of drug and the carrier materials allows the inside out diffusion of drug molecules (drug release resulting in hollow nanocarrier formation), leading to the self-decomposition of the nanoparticles simultaneously (Figure 1). This design allows the maintenance of nanocarrier size until all drugs are completely released, enabling effective drug release from the carrier as well as easy renal clearance of the carrier materials. We show that by employing different loading schemes of the drugs, one can manipulate the drug release profiles in many different ways.  Here I will give an example of sustained release of the drug at cellular level serving as effect strategy to bypass the multidrug resistance effect in cancer cells. On the other hand, by surface decorating the nanocarriers with Au nanoparticles, we discovered a correlation between the drug release from the carrier and the morphological evolution of AuNPs, enabling real time monitoring of the drug release at local sites (e.g. tumor) in a quantitative manner by recording the CT signal evolution of the AuNPs.

This work is carried out in collaboration with Li Fan, Silu Zhang, Zhiqin Chu, Saisai Zhao, Jingnan Yang, Chun Yin, Chunyuan Zhang, Jiang Ma, Ge Lin, and Chaojun Song.

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