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学术报告:Signaling mechanisms of Transmembrane receptors

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-12-20 点击量:

   目: Signaling mechanisms of Transmembrane receptors

   间: 20181225(星期二) 上午10:00- 11:00

   点: 生科院二楼大会议室

报告人: Xuewu Zhang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology and Department of Biophysics University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

邀请人: 教授


    Dr. Zhang got the BS degree at Wuhan University (1995) and Ph.D degree at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA (2003). After he finished postdoc training with the John Kuriyan at UC Berkeley, Dr. Zhang started his own research in UT Southwestern Medical Center from 2007 as assistant professor and was promoted as tenured associate professor in 2014.

    Dr. Zhang’s lab focuses on receptor-mediated signaling pathways involved in neuron development and axonal guidance by combination of biochemical, X-ray crystallographic and cell biological approaches to understanding the regulatory mechanisms at the atomic level.


Pascoe HG, Gutowski S, Chen H, Brautigam CA, Chen Z, Sternweis PC, Zhang X. Secondary PDZ domain-binding site on class B plexins enhances the affinity for PDZ-RhoGEF. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Dec 11; 112(48):14852-7.

Kulak O*, Chen H*, Holohan B, Wu X, He H, Borek D, Otwinowski Z, Yamaguchi K, Garofalo LA, Ma Z, Wright W, Chen C, Shay JW, Zhang X# and Lum L#. Disruption of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and telomeric shortening are inextricable consequences of tankyrase inhibition in human cells. Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Jul 15;35(14):2425-35.

Pascoe H, Wang Y, Zhang X.  Structural mechanisms of plexin signaling.  Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2015 Mar 28. pii: S0079-6107(15)00042-5.

He S, Zhao J, Song S, He X, Minassian A, Zhou Y, Zhang J., Brulois K., Wang Y, Cabo J, Zandi E., Liang C, Jung JU, Zhang X, Feng P.  Viral pseudo-enzymes activate Rig-I via deamidation to evade cytokine production.  Mol. Cell,2015; 58(1), 134-146.

Xu H, He X, Zheng H, Huang LJ, Hou F, Yu Z, de la Cruz MJ, Borkowski B, Zhang X#, Chen ZJ#, Jiang QX#. Structural basis for the prion-like MAVS filaments in antiviral innate immunity. eLife. 2014 Jan 1; 3: e01489.

Zhang X, Wu J, Du F, Xu H, Sun L, Chen Z, Brautigam CA, Zhang X, Chen ZJ.  The cytosolic DNA sensor cGAS forms an oligomeric complex with DNA and undergoes swithc-like conformational changes in the activation loop.  Cell Rep. 2014 Feb 13;6(3):421-30.

Wang Y*, Pascoe HG*, Brautigam CA, He H, Zhang X.  Structural basis for activation and non-canonical catalysis of the Rap GTPase activating protein domain of plexin.  eLife. 2013 Oct. 1.; 2: e01279.

Zhang X, Shi H, Wu J, Zhang X, Sun L, Chen C, Chen ZJ.  Cyclic GMP-AMP Containing Mixed Phosphodiester Linkages Is An Endogenous High-Affinity Ligand for STING.  Mol. Cell. 2013

He X, Kuo Y, Rosche YJ, Zhang X. Structural basis for auto-inhibition of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor FARP2.  Structure. 2013; 21(3):355-364

Wang Y*, He H*, Srivastava N, Vikarunnessa S, Chen Y, Jiang J, Cowan C, Zhang X.  Plexins Are GTPase-Activating Proteins for Rap and Are Activated by Induced Dimerization.  Sci. Signaling. 2012 Jan 17; 5,

Yamasaki T, Tran TA, Oz OK, Raj GV, Schwarz RE, Deberardinis RJ, Zhang X, Brugarolas J.  Exploring a glycolytic inhibitor for the treatment of an FH-deficient type-2 papillary RCC.  Nat Rev Urol. 2011 Mar;8(3):165-71. Epub 2011 Feb 8a.

He H, Yang T, Terman JR, Zhang X.  Crystal Structure of the Plexin A3 Intracellular Region Reveals an Autoinhibited Conformation Through Active Site Sequestration.  Proc Natl Acad Sci  USA. 2009; 100: 2586-2591.

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