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学术讲座:EPR Applications in Biology: Examples from HIV Membrane Protein gp41 and an Antimicrobial AApeptide

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-05-21 点击量:

报告人 : 宋利凯
时 间:2018 年 年 5  月 21  日 上午 午 10 :00
地 点: 国家脉冲强磁场科学中心 C204
题 目:EPR Applications in Biology: Examples from HIV Membrane Protein gp41 and an Antimicrobial AApeptide
报告摘要 :
EPR is a powerful tool for biological research. The focus of this work is to develop EPR methods for characterizing biological samples,
with specific aims to investigate HIV surface protein gp41 and an antibacterial peptide (AA1). 1). HIV gp41-antibody interaction at the
viral membrane interface. The membrane proximal ectodomain region (MPER) of gp41 plays a critical role during the viral fusion
process and is a major target of anti-gp41 antibodies and vaccine design. In this study, EPR and NMR techniques were used to define
MPER structure on the membrane, MPER-lipid interaction, and how anti-HIV antibodies recognize their membrane-immersed epitopes.
The analyses revealed a structurally conserved pair of helices immersed in the viral membrane separated by a flexible hinge. Neutralizing
anti-gp41 antibodies disrupt the MPER hinge function by perturbing MPER hinge orientation, and/or extracting part of the MPER from
the membrane. These findings have revealed important features of gp41-antibody interaction at the viral membrane interface. 2).
Selective membrane disruption mechanism of an antibacterial AApeptide. AApeptides are a new class of antibacterial peptidomimetics
that are not prone to antibiotic resistance and are highly resistant to protease degradation. We have characterized the membrane
interaction of a lipo-cyclic-gamma-AApeptide (AA1). The analyses revealed that AA1 binding increases the membrane permeability of
POPC/POPG liposomes, which mimic negatively charged bacterial membranes. AA1 binding also induces significant lipid
lateral-ordering and membrane thinning. In contrast, minimal membrane property changes were observed upon AA1 binding for
liposomes mimicking mammalian cell membranes, which consist of neutral lipids and cholesterol. Our findings suggest that AA1
interacts and disrupts bacterial membranes through a “carpet-like” mechanism.
报告人简 介 :
宋利凯,美国国家高磁场实验室研究员, 2005 年获佛罗里达州立大学博士学位,2005 至 2006 年在高磁场实验室作博士后
研究,2007 至 2010 年任哈佛大学附属丹娜法伯癌症研究院疫苗所结构生物学中心主任,2010 起就任于高磁场实验室。主要从
其中包括爱滋病毒膜表面蛋白及其抗体的研究。发表学术论文 35 篇,其中影响因子>9 文章 9 篇(包括 PNAS, Nature 子刊,
Cell 子刊,JACS 等权威杂志),被引用超过 1200 次。

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