唐惠儒,复旦老员工命科学学院教授,博士生导师。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。1986年获西北轻工业学院(现陕西科技大学)学士学位,1994年获英国伦敦大学博士学位。1992-2000年先后任英国BBSRC食品研究所Research Scientist、Senior Research Scientist。2001-2005年任英国帝国理工学院生物医学部生物化学系Senior Scientist。2005-2014年先后任科院武汉物理与数学所研究员、博士生导师、研究部副主任、中科院生物磁共振分析重点实验室主任。2014年11月起任复旦大学特聘教授。
Metabonomes of mammals contain tens of thousands types of metabolites which have many different functions with a huge concentration dynamic range, diverse properties and matrices. Therefore quantitative metabonomic analysis is an essential approach for understanding the molecular aspects of mammalian physiology and pathophysiology of various diseases. During last 18 years, metabonomic science has made huge progress in both technical and application areas. To achieve accurate quantitative metabonomic analysis, however, developing efficient novel analytical technologies remains to be one of the most urgent and important tasks. NMR and MS are still the dominant metabonomic analytical tools though their combinations have increasingly become attractive with complementary information from them. In this presentation, we will discuss the requirements of quantitative metabonomics and strategies to fulfill such tasks especially in the context of precision medicine followed with some recent methodological advances in our lab in terms of both NMR and UHPLC-MS technologies. We will also discuss the major challenges metabonomic analysis is facing and possible strategies to overcome the current problems with some integrated multiple-omics results presented.