Dr. Chesne Christophe
Director of Biopredic international company Renne,France
2017年11月2日 8:30 – 9:30
Dr. Chesne has been the Director of Biopredic international company located in Rennes, France, from its funding in 1993. Biopredic int’l is a provider of reagents for the drug development and discovery. Dr.Chesne served before as a pharmacist in dispensaries, then as a scientist in the drug metabolism department of Servier, a French mid pharma and then as a study Director in a CRO. Dr. Chesne was trained as a Pharmacist and then got his PhD thesis dealing with the cryopreservation of hepatocytes under the supervision of Prof. Andre Guillouzo at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Rennes. Dr. Chesne is the author of more than 100 papers and 5 patents related to cell culture and ADMET technologies.