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学术报告:Functional DNA Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2017-10-17 点击量:

报告人:Hongbo Zhang





Prof. Hongbo Zhang graduated his bachelor degree in Fudan University, then did his
Master and PhD degree in University of Helsinki. He did his Postdoc in Prof. Hélder
A. Santos’ group and in March 2014, he became a visiting scholar in Prof. David A.
Weitz’s group in Harvard University. In September 2016, he got a tenure track Assistant
Professor position and established his research group in Åbo Akademi University. Prof.
Zhang has published 50 papers with total impact factor more than 360 and his research
focus is functional materials, especially DNA based materials, and microfluidics for
biomedical applications.

Apart from being an informative carrier of life, it is of great interest to extend DNA to material
science. The unique biochemistry characteristics of DNA, especially the hydrogen bonding, p-p
stacking, electrostatic interactions and possible nucleotide modifications enabled the
programmable design of DNA related artificial structures for different kinds of biomedical
applications, including drug delivery, diagnostic, imaging, gene therapy etc. Herein, we have
designed different types of DNA nanostructures and DNA hybrid structures, including DAO-
E AB DNA structure, DNA origami, DNA tetrahedron, Aptamer conjugated porous silicon
nanoparticles etc.
Those materials are very advanced in biomedical applications.
1. Zhang et al., 2017 Adv. Healthcare Mater, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700664
2. Zhang et al., 2017 ACS AMI, 9: 10034-46
3. Qu et al., 2017 Anal Chem, 6: 3468-73.
4. Kong et al., 2016 Adv. Mater. 28: 10195-203.
5. Kong et al., 2015 Adv. Func. Mater. 26: 6158-69.
We acknowledge financial support from Academy of Finland (decision no. 297580), Jane and
Aatos Erkko Foundation (grant no. 4704010) and Sigrid Jusélius Foundation (decision no.


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