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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2017-06-12 点击量:


1. Design Strategies for Unimolecular Micelles as Drug Delivery Vehicles
报告人:Professor Mario Gauthier Department of chemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada
Mario Gauthier教授于1984年获得麦吉尔大学化学系科学学士学位,1989年获得麦吉尔大学化学系博士学位。1989-1991年在德国的弗莱堡大学继续博士后的科研工作,1991年为加拿大滑铁卢大学化学系助理教授,1996年被聘为副教授,2000年至今被聘任滑铁卢大学化学系教授。
Mario Gauthier教授在高分子合成领域、药物载体和药物制剂等方面有着很高的造诣,其研究方向主要包括(1)阴离子聚合:通过稳定的自由基聚合反应和乳液聚合获得树枝状/其他接枝聚合物及嵌段共聚物。(2)离子聚合物:离子交联聚合物,聚合(高分子)电解质。1996年至今,已发表50多篇学术论文,主要发表在Macromolecules Polymer等高分子领域权威期刊。
Design Strategies for Unimolecular Micelles as Drug Delivery Vehicles
Mario Gauthier
Department of Chemistry, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and Institute for Polymer Research, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
The targeted and sustained release of drugs is a topic of great interest in cancer therapy. This is often achieved with micelles obtained by the self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers, serving as nanometer-sized carriers for poorly water-soluble therapeutic agents. Unfortunately, that approach suffers from limitations such as lack of stability when the solvency conditions are varied, limited control over the size and uniformity of the nanoparticles, and poor control of the drug release characteristics. These problems can be solved using unimolecular micellar systems, namely isolated (non-aggregated) water-soluble amphiphilic polymer molecules with a covalently bonded structure and a core-shell morphology. The systematic design of such micellar drug delivery systems will be demonstrated, starting from highly branched dendritic cores of poly(g-benzyl L-glutamate) or poly(L-glutamic acid) grafted with hydrophilic polymers forming a shell. Depending on the characteristics of the core and shell components selected, good control can be achieved over the size, the colloidal stability and the release characteristics of these drug delivery systems.

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