1. Regulation of Bacterial Cell Division
报告人:杜世燊 University of Kansas Medical Center 博后
2. sense for invisible
报告人:Valeriy Savelyev 威廉希尔 教授
Sep 2003- Jun 2007 B.S. Biology, Wuhan University, China
Aug 2007-Dec 2013 PhD program in Microbiology, University of Kansas Medical Center
Supervisor: Dr. Joe Lutkenhaus (Member of National Academy of Sciences)
Dec 2013-present Post-Doctoral fellow, University of Kansas Medical Center
Supervisor: Dr. Joe Lutkenhaus (Member of National Academy of Sciences)
Honors and Awards
Graduate Student Research Travel Award 2012 KU Medical Center
Biomedical Research Training Program Scholar 2012 KU Medical Center
Remi Amelunxen Award 2013 KU Medical Center
Biomedical Research Training Program Scholar 2015 KU Medical Center
Postdoctoral fellow travel award 2015 KU Medical Center
Society Membership
American Society of Microbiology
1.Shishen Du, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2012) MipZ: One for the Pole, Two for the DNA. Molecular Cell 46: 239-240
2. Joe Lutkenhaus, Sebastien Pichoff, and Shishen Du. (2012) Bacterial cytokinesis: From Z ring to divisome. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) 69: 778-790
3. Shishen Du, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2014) SlmA antagonism of FtsZ ring assembly employs a two-pronged mechanism like MinCD. Plos Genetics 10.1371-e1004460
4. Shishen Du, Kyung-Tae Park, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2015) Oligomerization of FtsZ converts the FtsZ tail motif (Conserved carboxy-terminal peptide) into a multivalent ligand with high avidity for partners ZipA and SlmA. Mol Microbiol 95 (2): 173-188
5. Sebastien Pichoff, Shishen Du, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2015) The bypass of ZipA by overexpression of FtsN requires a previously unknown conserved FtsN motif essential for FtsA-FtsN interaction supporting a model in which FtsA monomers recruit late cell division proteins to the Z ring. Mol Microbiol 95 (6): 971-987
6. Kyung-Tae Park, Shishen Du, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2015) MinC/MinD copolymers are not required for Min function. Mol Microbiol 98 (5): 895-909
7. Shishen Du, Sebastien Pichoff, and Joe Lutkenhaus. (2016) FtsEX acts on FtsA to regulate divisome assembly
Valeriy Savelyev:俄罗斯籍,威廉希尔教授,2017年参加国家外国专家座谈会受李克强总理接见。俄罗斯国立原子研究大学数学物理专业博士,并获得理学科学博士学位(俄罗斯最高科学学位)。俄罗斯国立原子研究大学教授,法国皮埃尔与玛丽居里大学和美国马里兰大学客座教授,俄罗斯科学院应用数学研究所首席科学家,德国电子同步加速器研究所特邀科学家。Valeriy Savelyev教授主要研究方向为核物理、半导体光电探测器、加速器及高性能计算算法等。1996年作为3个主要的发明人之一发明了一种新型的光电转换器件Silicon Photomultiplier(SiPM)。这种光电探测器件被广泛应用在核医学成像、高能物理、航天、环境监测等众多领域,从根本上解决了极弱光探测问题。目前已在国际高水平期刊上发表论文280余篇,文章他引次数3600多次,H因子37。出版著作3本,其中题为《Silicon Photomultiplier-New Era of Photon Detection》书籍全球累计下载次数超过5000次。作为第一发明人获授权专利7项,其中美国授权专利3项,俄罗斯授权专利4项。