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【学术报告通知】Engineering red fluorescent proteins with improved properties for live cell and deep-tissue imaging

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2016-09-22 点击量:

报告题目:Engineering red fluorescent proteins with improved properties for live cell and deep-tissue imaging
报 告 人:储军,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院生物医学与健康工程研究所副研究员(一级)
邀 请 人:张智红教授

Red fluorescent proteins (RFPs) are of particular interest in cell biology because they allow for multi-color and deep-tissue imaging. Here we report three new RFPs obtained by structure-guided mutagenesis: mCardinal, mRuby3 and CyOFP. 1) mCardinal, a bright far-red FP, can be used to non-invasively visualize the differentiation of stem cells into myocytes in living mice with high anatomical detail. 2) mRuby3, the brightest RFP so far, demonstrates greatest FRET dynamic range change among all RFPs when paired with green FPs. 3) CyOFP, a bright cyan-excitable orange FP, enables dual-emission microscopy and highly sensitive bioluminescence imaging in vivo.

Jun Chu received a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics at HUST in 2009, did his postdoctoral research in Jeanny Hardy lab at University of Massachusetts, Amherst from 2009 to 2010 and in Michael Lin lab at Stanford University from 2010 to 2015. In the past six years, he has developed several FPs with improved optical properties and published some high-impact first-authored papers including Nature Methods and Nature Biotechnology. His current research interests include developing new FPs for optical and photoacoustic imaging, new biosensors for visualizing signaling molecules in living cells, and new optogenetics tools for perturbing signaling pathways in cells or in vivo.


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