报告人:王文研究员 (中国科学院昆明动物所副所长)
王 文:博士生导师,现为中国科学院昆明动物所研究员,副所长,中德马普青年科学家进化基因组学小组组长,细胞与分子进化重点实验室常务副主任。1989年毕业于武汉老员工物系, 获学士学位。1992年在已故动物遗传学家施立明院士指导下在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获得硕士学位。1995年10月-1996年6月在美国哥伦比亚大学作访问学者。1996年在施立明和吴鹤龄教授指导下在昆明动物研究所获得博士学位。1997年8月至2002年7月美国芝加哥老员工态与进化学系博士后暨研究助理。2004获得国家杰出青年基金。2004年“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级首批入选者”。2005年获得国家基金委重点项目资助。
电话:0871-5192979 (O), Email: wwang@mail.kiz.ac.cn
在分子进化和基因起源研究方面取得了一些重要结果。近些年的研究一直紧紧围绕新基因的进化和起源这一重大科学问题。目前已经分别在《Science》、《Nature Genetics》、《PNAS》、《Nature》、《Nature Review Genetics》、《Genome Research》、《Plant Cell》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Genetics》、《Mol Bio Evol》、《中国科学》、《科学通报》等一系列重要学术杂志上发表多篇论文。
代表性论文 (*通讯作者):
1. Wang, W., Zheng, H., Fan, C., Li, J., Shi, J., Cai, Z., Zhang, G., Liu, D., Zhang, J., Vang, S., Lu, Z., Wong, G. K. S., Long, M., Wang, J. 2006 High Rate of Chimeric Gene Origination by Retroposition in Plant Genomes. Plant Cell 18:1797-1802.
2. Zhou, Q., Huang, L., Zhang, J., Zhao, X., Zhang, Q., Song, F., Chi, J., Yang, F., Wang, W.* 2006 Comparative genomic analysis links karyotypic evolution with genomic evolution in the Indian Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis). Chromosoma 115:427-436.
3. Jiang, H, Liu, D., Gu, Z. Wang, W.* 2006 Rapid Evolution in a pair of recent duplicate segments of rice. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 306B.
4. Yu, H., Jiang, H., Zhou, Q., Yang, J., Cun, Y., Su, B., Xiao, C., Wang, W.* 2006 Origination and evolution of a human-specific transmembrane protein gene, c1orf37-dup. Hum. Mol. Genet. 15:1870-1875.
5. Arguello, A. J., Chen, Y., Yang, S., Wang, W.*, and Long, M.* 2006 The Recent Origination of an X-linked Testes-specific Chimeric Gene by Illegitimate Recombination in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics 2(5): e77.
6. Yu, H., Zhao, X., Su, B., Li, D., Xu, Y., Luo, S., Xiao, C., Wang, W.* 2005 Expression of NF1 Pseudogenes. Hum. Mut. 26:487-488.
7. Wang, W. *et al., 2005 Origin and Evolution of New Exons in Rodents. Genome Res. 15: 1258-1264.
8. Peng, L., Zheng, H., Li,X., Yang, S., Chen, H., Wang, W.* 2005 Origin and evolution of new exons in the rodent zinc finger protein 39 gene. Chinese Science Bulletin 50: 1120-1125.
9. Lee, W. H., Li, Y., Lai, R., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, W.* 2005 Variety of Antimicrobial Peptides in the Bombina maxima Toad and Evidence of their Rapid Diversification. Eur. J. Immunol. 35: 1220-1229.
10. Wang, W. as one of the authors of 2005 The genome of Oryza sativa: A history of Duplications. PLoS Biol., 3(2): e38.
11. Wang, W. as one of the authors in the Silkworm Genome Sequencing Consortium. 2005 A draft sequence for the genome of the domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori). Science 306: 1937-1940.
12. 李昕,杨爽, 彭立新,陈宏,王文* 2004新基因的起源与进化。科学通报,49: 1219-1225.
13. Wang, W., Yu, H., Long, M. 2004 Duplication-degeneration as a mechanism of gene fission and the origin of Drosophila new genes. Nature Genetics,36:523-527.
14. Wang, W., Thornton, K., Emerson, J. J., Long, M. 2004 Nucleotide variation and recombination along the fourth chromosome in Drosophila simulans. Genetics, 166: 1783-1794.
15. Long, M., Betran, E., Kevin, T., Wang, W. 2003 Origin of new genes: Glimpses from the young and old. Nature Review Genetics, 4: 856-875.
16. Wang, W. , Brunet, F. G., Nevo, E., Long, M. 2002 Origin of Sphinx, a young chimeric RNA gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:4448-4453.
17. Betran, E., Wang, W., Jin, L., Long, M. 2002 Evolution of the phosphoglycerate mutase processed gene in human and chimpanzee revealing the origin of a new primate gene. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 654-663.
18. Wang, W., Thornton, K., Berry, A., and Long, M. 2002 Nucleotide variation along the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Science 295: 134-137.
19. Wang, W., Zhang, J., Alvarez, C., Llopart A., and Long M. 2000. The origin of the jingwei gene and the complex modular structure of its parental gene, yellow emperor, in D. melanogaster. Mol Biol. Evol. 17: 1294-1301.
20. Wang, W. and Lan, H. 2000 Rapid and parallel chromosomal number reductions in muntjac deer inferred from mitochondrial DNA phylogeny. Mol. Biol. Evol. 17: 1326-1333.
21. Wyckoff, G., Wang, W., and Wu, C.-I. 2000 Rapid evolution of male reproductive genes in the descent of man. Nature, 403: 304-309.
22. Yu, H., Wang, W. (same contribution as the 1st author), Fang, S., Zhang, Y-P., Lin, F.-J., and Geng, Z.-C. (1999). Phylogeny and evolution of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup based on mitochondrial ND4 and ND4L gene sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 13: 556-565.
23. Long, M., Wang, W., and Zhang, J. 1999 Origin of new genes and source for N-terminal domain of the chimerical gene, jingwei, in Drosophila. Gene, 238: 135-142.
24. Wang, W, Forstner, M. R. J., Zhang, Y.-P., Liu, Z.-M., Wei, Y., Hu, H.-G., Xie, Y.-X., Wu, D.-H., and Melnick, D. J. 1997 A phylogeny of Chinese leaf monkeys using mitochondrial ND3-ND4 gene sequences. Int. J. Primotol., 18: 305-320.
25. Wang, W., B. Su, H. Lan, R.-Q. Liu, and Y.-P. Zhang. 1996 Phylogenetic relationships among six species of Macaca inferred from ribosomal DNA variations. Chinese J. Genet., 23: 247-254.
26. Wang, W., Su, B., Lan., H., Zhang, Y. P., Lin, S. Y., Liu, A. H., Liu, R. Q., Ji, W. Z, Hu. H. G., Xie, Y. X., and Wu, D. H. 1995 Phylogenetic relationships among two golden monkey species and three leaf monkey species within Colobinae inferred from ribosomal DNA restriction site variation. Folia Primatol., 65: 138-143.
27. Wang, W., Lan, H., Su, B., and Shi, L. M 1995 Random amplified DNA polymorphism in four minorities of Yunnan Province. Chinese Science Bulletin, 40:158-163.
28. Wang, W., Liu A. H., Lin, S. Y., Lan, H., Su, B., Xie, D. W., and Shi L. M. 1994 Multiple genotypes of mitochondrial DNA within a horse population from a small region in Yunnan province of China. Biochemical Genetics, 32: 371-378.
29. Wang, W., Lin, F. Y. and Shi, L. M. 1994 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans. I. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans. Science in China (series B), 37:1329-1340.
30. Wang, W., Lin, F. Y. and Shi, L. M. 1994 Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in the natural populations of Drosophila albomicans. II. Genetic differentiation among different geographic populations. Chinese J. Genet., 21: 147158.