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学术讲座_Calcium control of insulin secretion

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2007-11-19 点击量:

Seminar announcement


Title: Calcium control of insulin secretion

Time: NOV 20th 4pm to 5:20pm (本周二下午4点)

Speaker: Weiping Han, Ph.D.





Research and Work Experience:

2007-                       Adjunct Associate Professor

                                Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

                                National University of Singapore, Singapore

2005-                       Deputy Head

                                Laboratory of Metabolic Medicine, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium

                                Biomedical Science Institutes/A*STAR, Singapore

2003-2005               Assistant Professor (Research Track)

                                Center for Basic Neuroscience and Department of Cell Biology

                                University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA

1999-2003                  HHMI Associate

Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Center for Basic Neuroscience

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA      

1996-1999                  Research Associate

Department of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 





1992-1996 Ph. D. in Physiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

1986-1991                  B.S. in Medical Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China



Animal models for obesity and neurodegenerative diseases, W. Han (Pending, 11/828,832)


Peer-Reviewed Research Articles:

1.        Gustavsson N, Lao Y, Maximov A, Chuang J-C, Kostromina E, Repa J, Li C, Radda GK, Südhof TC, Han W: Impaired insulin secretion and glucose intolerance in synaptotagmin-7 null mutant mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (in press, 2007)

2.        Schoch S, Mittelstaedt T, Kaeser PS, Padgett D, Feldmann N, Chevaleyre V, Castillo PE, Hammer RE, Han W, Schmitz F, Lin W, Südhof TC: Redundant functions of RIM1alpha and RIM2alpha in Ca2+-triggered neurotransmitter release. The EMBO Journal 25(24):5852-5863, 2006.

3.        Sun J, Bronk P, Liu X, Han W, and Südhof TC: Synapsins regulate use-dependent synaptic plasticity in the calyx of Held by a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:2880-2885, 2006.

4.        Han W, Rhee J, Lin W, Hammer RE, Rosenmund C, and Südhof TC: Crowding out synaptotagmin 1: C-terminal ECFP-fusion inactivates synaptotagmin 1 function. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 280(6):5089-5100, 2005.

5.        Shin OH, Han W, Wang Y, and Südhof TC: Evolutionarily conserved multiple C2-domain proteins with two transmembrane regions (MCTPs) and unusual Ca2+-binding properties. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 280(2):1641-1651, 2005.

6.        Han W, Rhee J, Maximov A, Lao Y, Mashimo T, Rosenmund C, and Südhof TC: N-glycosylation is essential for vesicular targeting of synaptotagmin 1. Neuron 41:85-99, 2004.

7.        Lee SF, Shah S, Yu C, Wigley C, Li H, Lim M, Pedersen K, Han W, Thomas P, Lundkvist J, Hao YH, and Yu G. A conserved GXXXG motif in APH-1 is critical for assembly and activity of the γ-secretase complex. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(6):4144-4152, 2004.

8.        Virmani T, Han W, Liu X, Südhof TC, and Kavalali ET: Synaptotagmin 7 splice variants differentially regulate synaptic vesicle recycling. The EMBO Journal 22(20):5347-5357, 2003.

9.        Ng YK, Lu X, Gulacsi A, Han W, Saxton MJ, and Levitan ES: Unexpected mobility variation among individual secretory vesicles produces an apparent refractory neuropeptide pool.  Biophysical Journal 84(6):4127-34, 2003.

10.     Lee S-F, Shah S, Li H, Yu C, Han W, and Yu G: Mammalian APH-1 interacts with presenilin and nicastrin, and is required for intramembrane proteolysis of APP and Notch. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277(47):45013-9, 2002.

11.     Han W, Li D, and Levitan ES: A new green fluorescent protein construct for localizing and quantifying peptide release. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 971:627, 2002.

12.     Sugita S, Shin O, Han W, Lao Y, and Südhof TC: Synaptotagmins form a hierarchy of exocytotic Ca2+ sensors with distinct Ca2+ affinities. The EMBO Journal 21(3):270-280, 2002.

13.     Yin XY, Landay MF, Han W, Levitan ES, Watkins SC Levenson RM, Farkas KL, and Prochownik EV. Dynamic in vivo interactions among Myc network members. Oncogene 20(34):4650-4664, 2001.

14.     Sugita S, Han W, Butz S, Liu X, Fernandez-Chacon R, Lao Y, and Südhof TC: Synaptotagmin VII as a plasma membrane Ca2+ sensor in exocytosis. Neuron 30(2):459-473, 2001.

15.     Pearce LL, Gandley RE, Han W, Wasserloos K, Stitt M, Kanai AJ, McLaughlin MK, Pitt BR, and Levitan ES: Role of Metallothionein in nitric oxide signaling as revealed by a green fluorescent fusion protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97(1):477-482, 2000.

16.     Han W, Ng YK, Axelrod D, and Levitan ES: Neuropeptide release by efficient recruitment of diffusing cytoplasmic secretory vesicles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96(25):14577-14582, 1999.

17.     Yin XY, Gupta K, Han W, Levitan ES, and Prochownik EV: Mmip-2, a novel RING finger protein that interacts with mad members of the Myc oncoprotein network. Oncogene 18(48):6621-6634, 1999.

18.     Han W, Li D, Stout AK, Takimoto K, and Levitan ES: Ca2+-induced deprotonation of peptide hormones inside secretory vesicles in preparation for release. Journal of Neuroscience 19(3):900-905, 1999.

19.     Burke NA, Takimoto K, Li D, Han W, Watkins SC, and Levitan ES: Distinct Structural requirements for clustering and immobilization of K+ channels by PSD-95. Journal of General Physiology 113:71-80, 1999.

20.     Vasudevan C, Han W, Tan Y, Nie Y, Li D, Shome K, Watkins SC, Levitan ES and Romero GG: The distribution and translocation of the G protein ADP-ribosylation factor 1 in live cells is determined by its GTPase activity. Journal of Cell Science 111:1277-1285, 1998.

21.     Burke NV*, Han W*, Li D, Takimoto K, Watkins SC and Levitan ES: Neuronal peptide release is limited by secretory granule mobility. Neuron 19(5):1095-1102, 1997. (* contributed equally)

22.     Han W, Barr SC, Pacioretty LM and Gilmour RF Jr.: Restoration of the transient outward potassium current by noradrenaline in chagasic canine epicardium. Journal of Physiology 500(1):75-83, 1997.

23.     Barr SC, Han W, Andrews NW, Lopez JW, Ball BA, Pannabecker TL and Gilmour RF Jr.: A factor from Trypanosoma cruzi induces repetitive cytosolic free calcium transients in isolated primary canine cardiac myocytes. Infection and Immunity 64(5):1770-1777, 1996.

24.     Pacioretty LM, Barr SC, Han W and Gilmour RF Jr.: Reduction of the transient outward potassium current in a canine model of Chagas’ disease.  American Journal of Physiology 268:H1258-1264, 1995. 




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