1.工学博士学位.1990-1993. 南开大学现代光学研究所. 专业:光学仪器(光学信息处理). 指导教师:母国光院士.博士论文:光电指纹锁研究.
2.理学硕士学位:1985-1988. 云南大学物理系.专业:电子离子物理.指导教师:熊烨教授,林理中教授.硕士论文:BO分子的电子态结构理论研究.
3.理学学士学位:1981-1988. 云南大学物理系光学专业.毕业论文:CS2的受激喇曼散射光谱实验研究.
4.博士研究生:1999-2000. 美国阿肯色老员工物和农业工程系 (University of Arkansas,Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering ). 专业:生物成象(bioimaging). (注:一年的博士研究生学习后,本人就到加州大学欧文分校做研究助理,研究领域:医学成象和医学图像处理 (medical imaging and medical image analysis).
5. DSP 短期技术培训. 中科院声学所 (1996).
6. CCD短期技术培训.天津大学精密仪器系 (1995).
1. 2007.1-至今 教授,东北老员工物医学工程学院。研究内容:锥束乳腺CT系统的研究,医学图像处理,模式识别。
2.2002.6-2006.11,研究助理教授(Research assistant professor). 美国罗切斯特大学医疗中心放射科.研究内容:锥束CT成象及其在乳腺癌(breast cancer),肺癌(lung cancer),血管瘤(angiogenesis),脑中风(stroke)方面的诊断应用, 医学图象处理.
3.2001.6-2002.6 研究助理(research associate). 美国加州大学欧文分校放射科学系.研究内容:冠状动脉x-光造影术中的三维血管重建及自动血管跟踪和测量.冠状血管树的流量模型及模拟计算.
4.1999.8-2001.6 研究助理(含一年博士生学习). 阿肯色老员工物和农业工程系.研究内容:机器视觉和生物成象术用于禽肉内部检测.涉及x-光透视,红外成象测温,激光轮廓术,多光谱图象融合, 快速图象识别.
5.1997-1999. 博士后.美国代顿大学光电中心及田纳西大学电机系.研究内容:雪崩二极管噪音分析,多分辨图象分析和识别,离散显示, 快速目标跟踪.
6.1993-1997. 助理研究员和副研究员.南开大学现代光学研究所.研究内容:光学信息处理和模式识别,快速指纹识别用于身份验证.
7.1988-1990. 技术员.云南印刷技术研究所.照相排版和电子分色印刷.
研究生课程:计算机在光学中的应用(1995-1997, 南开大学)
研究生课程:计算机断层成像技术 (2007 东北大学)
研究生课程:医学成像原理与系统 (2008 东北大学)
本科生课程: Matlab 编成 (2007-2008,东北大学)
本科生课程:计算机图像处理 (2007-2008 东北大学)
本科学课程: 以项目为中心课程设计 (2007-2008,东北大学)
1. “优秀青年教师”二等奖”,(南开大学, 1997)
2. “优秀青年教师”一等奖”,(南开大学,1996)
3. “云南省科学技术进步”三等奖,(1993)
1.2007.1-至今 教授,东北老员工物医学工程学院。 研究内容:采用双能谱锥束CT成像技术改进乳腺癌早期诊断研究。(国家自然科学基金项目:30770591,项目负责人)
2.(2002-至今,罗切斯特大学,University of Rochester) (a) 基于平面版探测器的锥束断层乳房成象 (Flat-panel-based cone-beam CT breast imaging). (b) 锥束断层医学造影术 (cone-beam CT angiography).
3. (2001-2002, 加州大学欧文分校,University of California-Irvine) (a) 冠状动脉造影图象的自动血管跟踪 (Automatic vessel tracking of coronary angiographic images); (b) 定量冠状动脉血管分析 (Quantitative coronary vasculature analysis).
4. (1999-2000, 阿肯色大学,University of Arkansas) 基于x-光和激光测距成象术的脱骨禽肉自动检测 (Sensitive Detection of Physical Contaminants in De-boned Poultry using X-ray imaging and laser-range imaging technology)
5. (1997-2000, 南开大学) “多重图象融合技术及其应用",(国家自然科学基金.项目负责人)
6 (1996, 南开大学), “劣质指纹识别技术”(国家开放实验室项目,项目负责人)
7 (1994-95, 南开大学), “个人指纹加密卡”(天津青年科学基金,项目负责人)
8 (1993-94, 南开大学) “光电指纹锁"(南开大学校内基金,项目负责人)
1.Optical Engineering
2.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
3. Medical Physics
4. Journal of Electronic Imaging
5. Journal of Optics Laser Technology
6. Medical Engineering and Physics.
7. Journal of X-ray science and technology.
SPIE member, IEEE member.
评审学术刊物(JIF: 刊物影响因子)
52. Z. Chen, “Histogram partition and interval thresholding for volumetric breast tissue segmentation,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 32, 1-10 (2008).
51. Z. Chen, “Local volume reconstruction from width-truncated cone-beam projections by convolution backprojection,” Opt. Eng. (2008).
50 Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Volume fusion of two-circular-orbits cone-beam tomography,” Applied Optics, 45, 5960-6(2006) (JIF:1.799).
49. Z. Chen, R. Ning, D. Conover, Y. Yu, “Spatial shift variance and anisotropic blurring of cone-beam CT system,” Optical Engineering,45, 097003(2006) (JIF: 0.952).
48. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Super-gridded cone-beam reconstruction and its application to PSF calculation”, Applied Optics, 44, 4615-24 (2005). (JIF:1.799)
47. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Forest representation of vessels in cone-beam CT angiography,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 29, 1-14 (2005). (JIF:1.090)
46. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Pixel-pyramid model for divergent projection geometry,” Optical Engineering, 44 (2), 027002, (2005). (JIF:0.952)
45. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Pitfalls in point-spread-function measurement of computed tomography system by micro phantom reconstruction,” Optical Engineering, 44(1), 017002(2005) (JIF:0.952)
44. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Breast volume denoising and noise characterization by 3D wavelet transform,” Computerized Medical Imaging and graphics, 28, 235-246 (2004). (JIF:1.090)
43. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Three-dimensional PSF measurement of cone-beam CT system by iterative edge-blurring algorithm,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(10), 1865-1880(2004). (JIF:2.368)
42. Yang Tao, Z. Chen, Carl Griffis, “Chick feather pattern recognition” IEE Proceedings, vision, image and signal processing, 151(5), 337-344 (2004).(JIF: 0.330).
41. Z. Chen, Ruola Ning, “Filling the Radon domain of computed tomography by local convex combination”, Applied Optics, 42, 7043-7051 (2003). (JIF: 1.799).
40. Z. Chen, Tong Xu, Sabee. Molloi, “Vessel diameter estimation in X-ray image using a watergauge algorithm,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 12(4), 724-742 (2003). (JIF: 0.880)
39. Z. Chen, Ruola Ning, “Why should breast tumor detection go 3D?” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48,2217-28(2003). (This paper was downloaded 100 times in its first month appearance). (JIF: 2.368).
38. Z. Chen, S. Molloi, “Automatic 3D vessel tracking in CT angiography,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 27, 469-479 (2003). (The 3rd of the top 10 downloaded articles in Jan-Jun 2004). ((JIF: 1.090)
37. Z. Chen, Sabee Molloi, “Multiresolution vessel tracking in angiographic images using valley courses,” Optical Engineering, 42(6), 1673-1682 (2003). (JIF: 0.952)
36. Z. Chen, Sabee Molloi, “Vascular tree object segmentation by deskeletonization of valley courses,’ Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 26(6), 419-428 (2002). (JIF: 1.090)
35. Z. Chen, Yang Tao, “Food safety inspection using “from presence to classification” object-recognition model”, Pattern Recognition, 34, 2331-2338 (2001). (JIF: 2.176)
34.Z. Chen, M. Karim and M. Hayat, "Locating target at high speed using image decimation decomposition processing”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 34, No. 3, 685-694 (2001). (JIF: 2.176)
33. Z. Chen, M. Karim and M. Hayat, "Displacement co-occurrence statistics for binary digital image," Journal of Electronic Imaging, 11(2), 127-135 (2002). (JIF: 0.880)
32. Yang Tao, Z. Chen, Hansong Jing, and Joel Walker, “Internal inspection of deboned poultry using x-ray imaging and adaptive local thresholding”, Trans. ASAE, 44(4), 1005-1009 (2001). ((JIF: 0.728)
31. Z. Chen, Yang Tao and Carl Griffis, “A wavelet-based adaptive thresholding method for image segmentation”, Optical Engineering , 40(5), 868-874 (2001). (JIF: 0.952)
30. Z. Chen, Yang Tao, and Xin Chen “Multiresolution Local multiscale contrast enhancement of X-ray images for poultry meat inspection,” Applied Optics, 40(3),1195-2000 (2001). (JIF: 1.799)
29. Z. Chen, Yang Tao, “Subband correlation characteristics of Daubechies wavelet representation,” Optical Engineering, 40(3), 362-371(2001). (JIF: 0.952)
28. Z. Chen, M. Karim, “Oversampled optical wavelet transform,” Optical Engineering, 39((9), 2422-2430 (2000). (JIF: 0.952)
27. Z. Chen and M. Karim, "Optical subband coding scheme", Optics Communications, 169, 45-49(1999). (JIF: 1.581)
26. Z. Chen, M. Karim, "Frequency-refined multiresolution processing using wavelet splitting” Optics Communications, 173, 81-94 (2000). (JIF: 1.581)
25. Z. Chen and M. Karim, "Forest Representation of wavelet transform and feature detection”, Optical Engineering, 1194-1202 (2000). (JIF: 0.952).
24. M. Hayat, Z. Chen and M. Karim, "An analytical approximation for excess noise factor of avanlanche photodiodes with dead space", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 344-347, 20(7),1999. (JIF: 0.952). (JIF: 3.018).
23. Z. Chen and M. Karim, “Quantization of Optical Fourier Transform”, Asia Journal of Physics, vol.8, pp. 553-564 (1999).
22. Zikuan Chen, M. Karim, "Speed limitation of hybrid optical/digital sequential image processing," Optics Communications, 168, 75-83 (1999). (JIF: 1.581).
21. Zikuan Chen and M. Karim, "Effects of indented-interframe corsstalk on CCD detection of discrete displays," Applied Optics, Vol. 38, 314-324 (1999). [This paper was requested by the Department of Army, USA]. (JIF: 1.799).
20. Zikuan Chen, M. Karim, and M. Hayat, "Effects of band-pass sampling on joint transform correlation," Optical Engineering, 38(5) 886-892 (1999). (JIF: 0.952).
19. Zikuan Chen, M. Karim and M. Hayat, "Elimination of higher-order aliasings by multiple interlaced samplings," Optical Engineering, 38(5) 879-885 (1999). (JIF: 0.952).
18. Zikuan Chen, Ying Sun, Yanxin Zhang, Guoguang Mu, "Hybrid optical/digital access control using fingerprint identification", Optical Engineering, Vol. 34, No.3, 834-839(1995). (JIF: 0.952).
17. Zikuan Chen, Yanxin Zhang, Guoguang Mu, "Complementary- reference joint transform correlator", Applied Optics, Vol.33, No. 32,7622-7626(1994). (JIF: 1.799).
16. Zikuan Chen, Guoguang Mu,"Pattern recognition with an improved synthetic discrimination function", Optical Engineering, Vol.33, No.9, 3044-3046(1994). (JIF: 0.952).
15. Zikuan Chen, Guoguang Mu, "High-dynamic-range-image acquisition and display by multi-intensity imagery", Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.39, No.6. 664-668(1995). (JIF: 0.952). (JIF: 0.705).
14. Zikuan Chen, Guoguang Mu, "Nonlinear joint transform correlator by interframe processing of multi-intensity imagery", Optical Engineering, Vol.35,No.6,1746-1753(1996). (JIF: 0.952).
13. 陈自宽, 王肇圻,母国光, "光删调制和积分抽样效应",光电工程, Vol, 13, No, 1 (1998).
12. 翟宏琛,陈自宽, 等, "基于功率谱调制的联合变换相关器", 中国激光, vol. 25, No. 2, 139-144 (1998) .
11. 陈自宽, 翟宏琛,母国光, "多重交织抽样消除频谱混迭",信号处理, vol. 17, No. 4, 12-16 (1997).
10. 陈自宽, 王肇圻,母国光, "数字显示的拼面效应", 现代显示, Vol.3, No,3, 7-10 (1997).
9. 陈自宽, 王肇圻,母国光, "光电成象系统中的积分抽样效应", 光子学报, Vol. 16, No. 12, 51-54 (1997).
8. 陈自宽, 翟宏琛,母国光, "光电成象系统中的多重对称交织抽样", 光学技术, Vol. 13, No. 4, 11-13 (1997) (in Chinese).
7. 陈自宽, 张延忻,孙颖,母国光, "基于PSAS的实时指纹识别", 光学学报, Vol.9,903-907(1994 ).
6. 陈自宽, 张延忻,孙颖,母国光, "改进综合鉴别函数鉴别力的一种有效方法", 光学学报, Vol.14, No.6, 656-661 (1994).
5. 陈自宽, 张延忻,母国光, "用系列强度成象获取高动态范围图象", 数据采集与处理, Vol.9, No.4, 247-250(1994).
4. 孙颖,陈自宽, 张延忻,母国光, "适用于线性相关训练集分类的三层神经网络", 模式识别与人工智能, Vol.7, No.3. 203-207 (1994).
3. 陈自宽,母国光, "求解线性相关数据集最小二乘法的普适方法", 数据采集与处理, Vol. 11, No. 1, 66-68(1996).
2. 陈自宽, "求解任意数据集SDF的两步伪逆法", 数值方法和计算机应用, Vol. 17, No. 1, 8-11(1996).
1. 陈自宽,熊烨,林理忠, "BO分子Theoretical study of the electron-state structure of BO molecule", Journal of Yunnan University, Vol. 12, No.1, 30-35(1990) (in Chinese).
国际会议论文(International Conference Papers)
18. Z. Chen, Y. Tao, “Effects of digital geometry and phantom size on the measurement of PSF in cone-beam tomography,” SPIE Proc. Medical Imaging, Vol. 6913 (2008).
17. Y. Ding, Z. Chen, P. Gen, “Effects of scanning-orbit wobbling and detector tilting in cone-beam tomography,” SPIE Proc. Medical Imaging, Vol. 6913 (2008)
16. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Anisotropic point spread function of cone-beam computed tomography,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 6510, (2007).
15.Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Bolus tracking by cone-beam projection and reprojection,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 6511, (2007).
14. Z. Chen, R. Ning, D. Conover, X. Lu, “Blood flow measurement by cone-beam CT bolus imaging,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 6143, 782-93 (2006).
13. Z. Chen, R. Ning, D. Conover, K. Willison, “Nonlinear dual-spectral image fusion for cone-beam breast CT imaging”, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2006 (in press).
11. Z. Chen, R. Ning, D. Conover, Y. Yu, “Dual basis material decomposition for dual-kVp cone-beam CT breast imaging,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5745, 1322-33 (2005).
10 Z. Chen, R. Ning, Y. Yu, D. Conover, “Three-dimensional PSF characterization of a circle-plus-arc cone-beam CT system,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5745, 664-75(2005).
9. Z. Chen, R. Ning, D. Conover, Y. Yu, “Quantitative assessment of cone-beam CT system by 3D PSF,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Vol. 5368, 574-585 (2004).
7. Zikuan Chen, R. Ning, “3D breast tumor measurement in cone-beam CT breast imaging,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5367, 558-69 (2004).
6. Z. Chen, R. Ning, “Accurate perspective projection calculation using a pixel-pyramid model for iterative cone-beam reconstruction,” Proc. SPIE, Medical Imaging, 4650, 728-739 (2003).
5. Z. Chen, S. Molloi, “A vessel valley-course generation algorithm for quantitative angiogram analysis,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 4684, pp 1488-1495, 2002.
4. Z. Chen, S. Molloi, “Fast vessel identification using polyphase decomposition and inter-component processing,” Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 4684, pp. 1653-1661, 2002
3. Z. Chen, and Y. Tao. 2000. Contrast enhancement of x-ray imaging and postprocessing for food internal inspection. July 9-12, 2000. ASAE paper 003124. St Joseph, MI.
2. Tao, Y., X. Chen, H. Jing, Z. Chen, and J. Walker. 2000. Highly-sensitive imaging detection of physical contaminant on poultry de-boning lines. In Proceeding of USDA Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting. pp.63-68. Sept.17-19, 2000. Fayetteville, AR.
1. Z. Chen, Guoguang Mu, "Pattern identification by combination of Foley-Sammon transform and synthetic discriminant function", Vol.1,ICNNSP: International Conference on Neural Network and Signal Processing, pp. 659-662 (1995).