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Workshop on Smart Sensing and Actuation

来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2008-05-09 点击量:

Workshop on Smart Sensing and Actuation


Time : 2:00 -4:00pm., May 12

Venue: A301, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, HUST


 Purposes :

  ●To understand the current status of research activities in the area of smart systems, focusing on bio-inspired materials, mechanics, sensor and actuator technologies in the U.S. and China.

  ●To identify critical and strategic research issues of mutual interest that need further investigation in the smart systems areas of bio-inspired materials, mechanics, sensor and actuator technologies.

  ●To identify joint research projects and potential research teams for collaborative research activities.


  Participants from areas such as Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Information Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biological Sciences or related areas are welcome.


  Invited guests and speakers:

Prof. Joseph Penzien (US National Academy of Engineering, Prof. at University of California at berkeley)

Dr. Shih-Chi Liu, (program manager on Sensors Technology program and New Iniative on Bio-sensing and Bio-actuation, US National Science Foundation).

Dr. Rahmat Shoureshi, (Dean of Engineering, University of Denver, Chair of US-Europe Autonomous Sensing Collaboration. Expertise: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence)

Dr. Masayoshi Tomizuka (Cheryl and John Neerhout Jr.Distinguished Professor, University of California at Berkeley)

Dr. F. G. Yuan (Professor of Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University)


Tentative Workshop Program:

 2:00 pm Welcome

 2:10 pm - 2:30 pm: Biosensing and Bioactuation, Dr. Shih-Chi Liu,.

 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Bio-Inspired Systems: A New Frontier in Engineering, Dr. Rahmat Shoureshi

 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Human Assist Technologies:Sensing and Actuation for Biological Systems, Dr. Masayoshi Tomizuka

 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm: Wireless sensing in Mechanical and Aerospace Systems, Dr. F. G. Yuan


Attendees are suggested to arrive at A301 before 2:00 pm.

For more details, please link: http://wnlo.hust.edu.cn/communication/index.php?classid=2.


Tel: 027-87792227   Fax:027-87792225   Email: wnloifm@mail.hust.edu.cn



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电话:027-87792072   版权所有:威廉希尔williamhill(中国)-官方网站