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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2008-11-17 点击量:


人: 陈勇 教授

    间: 2008 11 18   晚上700



陈勇 教授简介:法国国家科学研究中心主任研究员, 巴黎高等师范学院微流实验室主任,日本京都大学教授, 京都大学细胞-物质综合系统基地

微流实验室主任。1986年在法国Montpellier科技大学获博士学位。1987年至1990年间在意大利比萨高等师范学院和北京大学工作,1990年进入法国国家科学研究中心。长期从事纳米科技方面的研究, 已在《自然》,《科学》等学术刊物上发表论文350多篇,参与组织若干欧共体研究项目和国际会议。 陈勇 教授为中国科学院海外评审专家。 陈勇 教授的主要学术贡献有:纳米制作和纳米加工的新技术及新工艺(包括高分辨率X光光刻,纳米膜压及软光刻);纳米结构物理(纳米磁学及超高密存储,纳米光学及集成光学,近场光学及光子晶体)以及微流体器件制备和物理等领域。目前主要研究微流生物系统及其在生物医学方面的应用。


报告摘要:Nanotechnology and microfluidics are now popular for analytical chemistry and cell biologym offering enormous opportunities to those who wish explore interdisciplinary frontiers or new markets. With microfluidic devices, minimum biology samples and reagents are required so that both high throughput screening and single cell manipulation can be performed in a most efficient way. In parallel, synthetic surfaces with designed micro and nanostructures hold the promise for a better understanding of cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, etc. Integration of patterned nanostructures into microfluidic chips is challenging but it would be helpful for the creation of new functionalities such as artificial nano-gels for long DNA molecule separation, nano-channel based protein pre-concentration, etc. In this talk, we will present a few examples of our recent achievement to illustrate the application potential of the above mentioned aspects. We will also discuss the possibility of using microfluidic chips in stem cell studies which reserve tremendous potential for regenerative medicine as well as drug discovery and cognitive sciences.




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