瑞士驻华使馆教育处来信,通知关于2015年洛桑大学(非洛桑联邦理工)为期八周的暑期课程,针对生物及医学的本科生,该活动总共名额是20人,入选员工将在在学校的实验室中进行项目研究。主办方安排住宿,提供奖学金(大概 1500 法郎)作为生活费, 以及1200法郎以内的旅费。 报名截止日期:2015年1月31日。在下面网站中有该暑期课程的具体介绍和报名方法。
Scholarships for UNIL Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme in Biology 2015
The UNIL's School of Biology launches a call for applications to the 2015 SUR Programme in the biological sciences.
This English-taught 8-week programme (July 6th to August 27th, 2015) aims at introducing Bachelor-level students to the world of biological and biomedical research: Individual students will be each integrated in a different experimental research laboratory of the School of Biology. This 6th edition of the SUR Programme will host around 20 participants from all over the world, including a couple of local students.
A full scholarship toward tuition costs, living expenses and justified travel costs will be awarded to all selected participants. Application deadline: January 31st, 2015.
More information about the programme: