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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2009-12-10 点击量:


----培养了五位诺贝尔奖得主(Sir William Henry BraggJohn M CoetzeeWilliam Lawrence BraggSir Howard Walter FloreyJ Robin Warren

Dr Bryan Haines ( Word document attached) (生物化学-具体研究领域为胰岛素类在正常及在癌症和糖尿病情况下的产生因素)
I conduct research in the field of Biochemistry and more specifically in the field of Insulin-like growth Factors in normal growth and development as well as disease. I am focussing on both Cancer and Diabetes. We are aiming to develop novel therapies for both of these diseases using our expertise in understanding mechanisms underlying the action of insulin and insulin-like growth factors. My website is http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/briony.forbes.
Dr Dan Peet (生物化学-具体研究领域为细胞感应氧气的方式)
I am an academic in Biochemistry in the School of Molecular and Biomedical Science. My biomedical research is focussed on understanding how cells sense oxygen, particularly a lack of oxygen or hypoxia. These hypoxia-activated pathways have been implicated in major human diseases including stoke and heart attack, vascular diseases and most importantly cancer. We are eager to understand what the identity and roles of the different proteins involved, the target genes that are regulated and their role in normal human physiology and disease, with the ultimate goal of therapeutic intervention. The research covers molecular aspects of gene expression (including quantitative PCR, cloning, reporter gene, and ChIP assays), protein biochemistry (including protein expression purification, activity and interaction assays) and cell biology. We are currently expanding our research into animal models of human disease, including mice and zebrafish.
Dr Michael Lardelli(生物医学-具体研究领域为老年性痴呆和其它神经衰退型疾病的分子学原理)
Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders using the zebrafish embryo as a model. Currently we are primarily interested in investigating the function of the genes PRESENILIN1 & 2 and MAPT (tau). We have discovered that truncations of the PRESENILIN genes cause dominant effects on gamma-secretase activity including cleavage of the AMYLOID PRECURSOR PROTEIN and NOTCH.
 PROFESSOR Dave Adelson Research Lab (生物信息学,多篇文章在《科学》杂志上发表)
         Bovine Genome Sequence Technical Committee/analysis team leader.
         Bovine genome model organism and QTL database.
         Equine Genome Sequence analysis (Science, in press).
         Member of Elephant and Armadillo genome sequencing projects.
         USDA Bioinformatics grant funding.
         Several articles in Science
Current Projects
         Bovine QTL viewer/db
         Equine genome model organism database
         Ancestral repeat domain conservation in mammals
         Identification of ncRNA from transcriptome data
         Text mining based on syntax and ontologies
         Triggers of apoptosis in cancer
Research Interests
         Genome model organism databases
         Genome evolution driven by retrotransposons
         Apoptosis in cancer
         Processing of next gen DNA sequencing data
公司国际教育学院李老师、肖老师   87793002 87557546

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