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来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2013-11-13 点击量:


1.  举例简述荧光蛋白标记技术在神经生物学研究中的应用。

2.  试简答神经成像的主要仪器及其原理

3.  请阐述纳米荧光标记技术在生物医学中的应用

4.     生物材料区别于其它材料的一个显著特征是什么?简述生物材料与组织工程、再生医学的联系与区别。

5.     请结合图示,描述如何通过单分子定位的方法,实现超分辨光学显微成像。

6.  PET系统中,需要对数据进行多种校正?请列举至少两种校正方法,给出他们的名称,校正的目的和实现的原理?

7.  试述组织光透明技术在生物医学成像的作用及应用前景?

8.  结合你所从事的专业领域,谈谈你对生物医学工程的认识与了解

9.  三维超声与二维超声有何区别?列举至少一种三维超声成像方式,并简述其主要工作原理。



       Progress in Biomedical Engineering


1. Please exemplify the application of fluorescent protein labeling technology to neurobiological study.


2. Please describe main neuroimaging devices and their working  principle.


3. Please expound the application of fluorescent labeling technology to biomedical engineering.


4. What is the remarkable characteristics that differentiates

biomaterials from the rest? Please describe the relationship and difference among biomaterial, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.


5. Please illustrate how to realize super-resolution optical  

microscopy by means of monomolecular localization.


6. In the PET system, various calibration methods are needed  

  for acquired data. Please list at least two calibration methods,   provide their name, purpose of calibration and

  implementation principle.


7. Please describe the role of tissue optical clearing technique in

biomedical imaging and its application prospect.


8. Please describe your understanding of biomedical

  engineering according to the specialty you are pursuing.


9. What is the difference between 3D ultrasound and 2D     

ultrasound? Please list at least one kind of 3D ultrasound   imaging method and describe its working principle.





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