清晨六点半,第一缕阳光才照进宿舍,门外熙熙攘攘的嘈杂声敲响了来到华科第一夜。到了7点,一个舍友悄悄踏着清晨收拾起了初来乍到未洗的被单。早晨渐渐浓郁起来,渐渐清醒的大家也纷纷下床开始了一天的生活。就像Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche曾经说过:每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。洗漱一会后,大家开始在宿舍讨论起今天学习及生活计划,并开始去真正实现自己曾幻想过的老员工活。
紧接着,我们赶去喻园进行上午的充能。匆匆餐后,就准备乘车去第一日的教室——东九教学楼。这时的武汉,正像刚刚丢入温水的食材,正迎接着即将到来的盛夏沸腾。迎着开始焦灼的阳光,冲出韵苑食堂的我们刚好赶上了9点40的校车,踏着即将上课的脚步,我们总算赶上十点的第一节课堂。来到华科的第一节课上,Michael面带笑意地向我们每个人问好,并且介绍了与中国同样多姿多彩北欧国家爱尔兰。愉快的氛围中,我们逐渐鲜明了爱尔兰独立的历史以及它绿白橙国旗的和平含义,也生动感受到了爱尔兰人的幽默语言艺术。假期早早结束,暑假的困倦也许还未消解,我也仍带着清晨丝丝困意,进入了第二节课的Warming Party。小小的投球游戏,立马驱散了那一缕困意,也让陌生的众人慢慢破冰,第一日全英的氛围,无声无息建立了起来。
Entering the university, I found that after all, the university is different from the middle school, and various thinking habits and living and learning methods are constantly changing with the changes in the environment. At 6:30 in the morning, the first rays of sunlight shone into the dormitory, and the noisy noise outside the door rang out for the first night of Huake. At 7 o'clock, a roommate quietly stepped on the morning to collect the unwashed sheets that had just arrived. The morning gradually became richer, and everyone who gradually woke up got out of bed and started the day. As Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche once said: Every day that does not dance is a failure of life. After washing up for a while, everyone began to discuss today's study and life plans in the dormitory, and began to truly realize the university life they had fantasized about. Immediately after, we rushed to Yu Garden for morning recharge. After a hurried meal, I was ready to take a ride to the classroom of the first day, the East Kowloon Teaching Building. At this time, Wuhan, like the ingredients that have just been thrown into warm water, is greeting the coming summer boiling. Facing the scorching sun, we rushed out of the Yunyuan canteen just in time to catch the school bus at 9:40, and we finally caught the first class at ten o'clock. In his first class at Huake, Michael greeted each of us with a smile and introduced Ireland, a Nordic country as colorful as China. In the pleasant atmosphere, we gradually became clear about the history of Irish independence and the peaceful meaning of its green, white and orange flag, and also vividly felt the humorous language art of the Irish. The holiday ended early, the sleepiness of the summer vacation may not have subsided, and I still entered the Warming Party for the second class with a hint of sleepiness in the morning. The small bowling game immediately dispelled the wisp of sleepiness, and also let the strange people slowly break the ice, and the atmosphere of the whole Britain on the first day was established silently. After two classes, the four roommates took the bus to the Yuyuan Canteen on the main campus to taste the food on the other side of Huake. After a short break at noon, we began our afternoon journey at Huake University. With infinite anticipation for a fresh, beautiful campus, we marched towards the teaching building in the fiery sun of midsummer. I have to say that at this time, the weather in Wuhan and the beginning of the heat are unbearable, just walking to the East Ninth Floor is already sweating and faltering. Fortunately, there is a school bus and the air conditioning of the classroom, which can bring a breeze to this boundless heat. Entering the classroom, we completed the remainder of the "Global Warming" project in the humorous and humorous atmosphere of the foreign teachers, and at the same time benefited a lot. By the end of the class, the sun had slowly tilted to the west, but the hot air seemed to freeze, without a hint of cooling. We went back to our bedrooms and looked forward to a delicious dinner and the "food for the spirit" of the evening lectures. When it was time for dinner and a day of study, we naturally couldn't wait to rush to the canteen we were most familiar with again, the Yunyuan Canteen. As soon as we entered the cafeteria, we were attracted by the variety of windows and inexpensive food. The aroma of pan-fried buns, hot dry noodles, fried steaks, small ravioli and other delicacies continues to stimulate our ...
武昌故郡,汉阳新府,星分翼轸,地接长河。物华天宝,人杰地灵之武汉威廉希尔,吾辈2班学子怀揣希望的星火和对于知识的向往,汇集在东九楼A102。昨日晚Orientation Camp的开营仪式为我们带来无尽的畅想,今日早九点前就有许多同学提前一个多小时来到教室,满怀热切开始了预习。紧张之情虽然不及期待之强烈,但依然为即将到来的课程有一丝担心。到十点前,我们的外教老师Albert闪亮登场,言谈举止充满了亲和力,大家也放松了下来。随后老师以幽默风趣的标准英语简单介绍了自己,然后大家也轮流用英语介绍名字、英文名、爱好和家乡,同学们用词谈吐各有千秋,由此大家相互认识了一下。然后开始了第一课Global Warming,精致的PPT,同学们畅所欲言发表对于全球变暖以及低碳环保的看法,在思维的开放和英语能力的提升中上午慢慢过去。
下午2时到3时40分,Albert老师向我们展示了Global Warming的相关课程,以全球变暖为话题向我们展开了相关的口语练习。滥觞于工业革命之蒿矢的全球变暖俨然为人类生存之大敌,这样的大时代背景与英语口语这一基本素养在Albert老师的幽默风趣的讲课风格下迸发出了别样的火花。Albert让我们会心一笑,上午初见的紧张心情也随之烟消云散,取而代之的是亲切与欢笑,同学们与外教的互动明显增长,欢快的气氛溢满了课堂。此课不仅是我们英语口语基础之奠基,更是同学们个人能力与时代精神的双向奔赴。
In the morning of August 22th, we came to YIFU building with excitement as well as tension since it’s the first time for most of us to have expat courses. However, as soon as we saw our foreign teacher ‘Michael’ , who are supposed to be Albert by mistake, our hanging hearts let go. Albert is such an expert teacher that he can comfort our heart easily, even the shyest student can express their thought generously.We all soaked in the pleasant English atmosphere. After the self-introduction and the expression training,we discussed global warming in depth. The students spoke enthusiastically. We grasped different kinds of fossil fuels and their English version and learned the causing of global warming.
In the afternoon, we continued our morning discussion. Under the lead of Albert, we explored means to solve the Global Warming, which is closely to every human being. Some classmates exampled numerous renewable energies, others illustrated ways to reduce carbon emissions, or even achieve net-zero. Needless to say, we all love or mother earth and we are all trying our best to protect her.
At night, instructor, Ms. Zhou gave us an indispensable address in regard to our future. It is the first time we know exactly about our university and the bioscience subject. A large number of experiences and examples of seniors just inspire us to embark our journey on bioscience learning. The speech is just like a lighthouse, showing us the road ahead.
Today is the second day we came to HUST, the first day we study in HUST, the first day we fall in love with HUST. This day will and should be a worth commemorating day in our lifetime.
接下来,老师为我们播放了一个英文电影,大家看得聚精会神,十分喜欢这样的学习方法。一个小时后 ,老师带我们玩了“你画我猜”游戏,我们一个个上台抽写好了英文的纸条,然后不发言用画让同学们猜出来,我们玩得津津有味,大部分人抽到的很简单,有人抽到的却很难,比如《蒙娜丽莎》……玩耍的时光总是醉人,同学们皆是忘却了时间,哪怕下了课,大家都没有察觉。这两个小时的上课时间里我们的笑声不绝于耳,许多同学对于英语大学学习的恐惧亦是渐渐消失。短暂的见面活动,不仅让课堂氛围更加活跃,让同学们更加快速的适应全英式教学,更在我们的大学旅途的白纸上印上了第一个难忘、美好的烙印。
午后时分,下午两点钟,我们依旧在东九楼A103教室准时迎来第三堂课,也是第一节常规课--Global Warming.简单的图片牵引着同学们思考,什么是温室效应,什么是气候变化?Sachini循循善诱,用英语一个接一个地为我们解释各样陌生英语单词的意思。一步步的发展,同学们对英语课堂充满的兴趣也被挖掘出来,时间再次悄悄溜走,不留下一点痕迹。
August 22, Beijing time, was the first day of studying in Huazhong University of science and technology. The unfamiliar environment did not affect the students' enthusiasm for learning, but increased their interest. When we woke up, we relaxed from our dream and began to welcome the first day of college life with a nervous and excited mood. At 10:00 a.m., the foreign teacher sachini invited everyone to introduce themselves one by one, and the students also actively participated in the speech. It was the first day for everyone to understand each other.
Next, the teacher played an English film for us. We watched it with great concentration and liked this learning method very much. One hour later, the teacher took us to play the game of "you draw and I guess". One by one, we took notes written in English on the stage, and then we did not speak and let the students guess. We enjoyed the game. Most of us drew simple notes, while others drew difficult ones. For example, Mona Lisa... The time we played was always intoxicating, and the students forgot the time. Even after class, we did not notice. During the two-hour class time, we could not stop laughing, and many students' fear of English university learning gradually disappeared. The short meeting activity not only makes the classroom atmosphere more active, enables the students to adapt to the all English teaching more quickly, but also marks the first unforgettable and beautiful brand on the white paper of our university journey.
After class, with curiosity about HUST canteen, we walked to the canteen side by side, laughing and laughing all the way. The students were like old friends who had not met for a long time. After scanning the itinerary code, we entered the gate of the canteen. What we saw was a dazzling array of food. After ordering the food, we tasted it. As expected, the taste did not disappoint us, and the price surprised us. We could not help but imagine how delicious the remaining 35 canteens were. Eat and drink enough, for a time, full of pleasure.
In the afternoon, at two o'clock in the afternoon, we still ushered in the third class and the first regular class -- global warming in room A103 on the East ninth floor The simple pictures lead the students to think, what is the greenhouse effect and what is climate change? Sachini explained the meaning of various unfamiliar English words one by one in English. With the development step by step, the students' full interest in the English class has also been excavated. Time has slipped away again without leaving any trace.
In the evening, our tutor gave us a lecture on career planning. She uses specific data to show the various ways and occupations we have the opportunity to achieve. Her speech is like a beacon in our college life, pointing out a bright path for our dreams.