Day 4:信息时代的医疗保健新气象
上午9时至12时,Dr. Daniel Hashimoto与Dr. Elan R. Witkowski向我们讲解了现阶段外科手术中的先进技术手段。Dr. Daniel Hashimoto向我们分别描绘了VR、AR、AI等技术在外科手术中应用场景,并幽默风趣地指出了它们的创新点与不足。Dr. Elan R. Witkowski则与我们分享了自己作为外科手术医师的经验与所要付出的努力,并通过展示一次手术实例,让我们认识到“做出决定”的重要性和外科医师所必须承担的责任。老师向我们分享的先进技术手段令同学们惊叹不已,课程最后我们也开展了“黑客马拉松”(Hackathon)活动,自己创新,运用先进的技术尝试解决生活、工作、学习上的问题。同学们集思广益,提出了一个又一个现实的议题和颇具创意的解决方法,得到了两位老师的肯定。


下午两点钟,我们依旧在哈佛大学医学院563教室准时迎来第三堂学术课程的两位老师——Dr. Li Zhou和Dr. Zfania Tom Korach。Dr. Li Zhou现任哈佛大学医学院布里格姆妇女医院副教授,她本科毕业于复旦大学医学院,是一名致力于研究大数据和人工智能在医疗保健领域的应用的资深专家;Dr. Zfania Tom Korach现任布里格姆妇女医院研究院,同样是一名AI在医学领域应用的研究专家,两位教授共同为我们带来了主题为“大数据与人工智能在医疗保健领域的应用”的精彩绝伦的主题报告。
首先是Dr. Li Zhou的课程,开头发问“How much data is generated every minute?”,引入了大数据在当下信息爆炸的时代举足轻重的地位,进而告诉我们“如何解决医疗保健中庞大而复杂的数据库”也成为了一个令人头疼的问题,电子病历EHR(Electronic Health Record)、精准医疗、基因库的建立等等都需要强大的算法来帮助它们。接下来便自然过渡到了“怎样用人工智能解决大数据的应用问题”,教授先为我们科普了History of AI,接着便说到了运用语音识别、自然语言处理等人工智能技术来解决电子病历的案例研究,还为我们介绍了她所做的关于运用机器学习来进行死亡预测的研究成果,令人惊叹。当然这些所有的成果也少不了现存的困难和未来的挑战,但毋庸置疑的是,他们对现存的医疗保健行业的革新意义是重大的。
Dr. Li Zhou结束了她的课程后,在短暂的10分钟的休息时间里,同学们热情的与老师进行了交流,提出了自己对课程的看法和疑问,Dr. Li Zhou十分耐心的为我们解决了问题。更值得一提的是,在整个课程和后续交流过程中,老师在一些专业术语上都用了中文为我们解答疑难,这样的敬业精神令我们更加感动。

接下来是Dr. Zfania Tom Korach的课程,老师主要介绍了图像处理这一人工智能先进技术在医疗保健领域的应用。通过图像处理,我们可以更加灵敏、准确、快速地诊断皮肤癌、糖尿病性视网膜病等疾病,这一类疾病的特点是:患病人数多,病症与普通疾病相似而难以发现、晚期较难治疗。显而易见,这一人工智能技术为这一类疾病的诊断带来了巨大的改良。
Dr. Zfania Tom Korach在上课期间一直关心我们是否有疑问,而在我们提出疑问后,他也做出了十分耐心的解答,令我们十分佩服。


On July 24th, US time, it was the second day of study at Harvard Medical School. The intense schedule did not affect the enthusiasm of the students. The four teachers showed us the most cutting-edge technology based in the two themes- "VR, AR, AI in surgery" and "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" . Students are also actively involved in the classroom and brainstorming. This is a fulfilling day.
From 9 am to 12 am, Dr. Daniel Hashimoto and Dr. Elan R. Witkowski explained to us the advanced techniques in the current surgical procedures. Dr. Daniel Hashimoto described the application scenarios of VR, AR, AI and other technologies in surgery, and humorously pointed out their innovations and deficiencies. Dr. Elan R. Witkowski shared with us his experience as a surgeon and his efforts, and by demonstrating an example of surgery, we realized the importance of “making a decision” and what responsibilities surgeons must bear. The advanced technology that the teacher shared with us amazed the students. At the end of the course, we also launched the “Hackathon” campaign, innovating in our own and using advanced technology to try to solve problems in life, work and study. The students brainstormed and put forward various topics and their creative solutions, which were affirmed by the two teachers.

After lunch, we were summoned to the green square of Harvard Medical School to take photos together. At noon, Boston is not as hot as Wuhan. The warm sunshine shines on us. It shines into our hearts. The students have put on various handsome postures and left us on the grass of Harvard Medical School. The figure may be the most memorable memory of the students.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, we are still welcoming two teachers of the third academic program, Dr. Li Zhou and Dr. Zfania Tom Korach, in the 563 classroom of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Li Zhou is an professor at Brigham and Women's Hospital of Harvard Medical School. She graduated from Fudan University School of Medicine and is a senior expert in the research of big data and artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare; Dr. Zfania Tom Korach is currently a researcher at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is also a research expert in the field of AI. The two professors have brought us the theme of "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare"which is wonderful.
The first is Dr. Li Zhou's course, asking “How much data is generated every minute?”, introducing big data in the current era of information explosion, and then telling us “how to solve the huge and complex database in healthcare. "It has also become a headache. EHR (Electronic Health Record), precision medicine, gene pool establishment, etc. all need powerful algorithms to help them. Then I naturally transitioned to “How to use artificial intelligence to solve the application problem of big data”. The professor first introduced the History of AI for us, and then talked about the case of using electronic intelligence such as speech recognition and natural language processing to solve the electronic medical record. The study also introduced us to her research on using machine learning to predict deaths, which is amazing. Of course, all these achievements are indispensable to the existing difficulties and future challenges, but there is no doubt that their innovation of the existing health care industry is significant.
After Dr. Li Zhou finished her course, during the short 10-minute break, the students enthusiastically communicated with the teacher and put forward their own views and questions about the course. Dr. Li Zhou patiently gave us the patience. solved the problem. What is more worth mentioning is that during the whole course and follow-up communication, the teacher used Chinese to answer questions in some professional terms. This kind of professionalism made us even more moved.

Next is the course of Dr. Zfania Tom Korach. The teacher mainly introduces the application of image processing, an advanced technology of artificial intelligence, in the field of healthcare. Through image processing, we can diagnose skin cancer, diabetic retinopathy and other diseases more sensitively, accurately and quickly. This type of disease is characterized by a large number of patients, the disease is similar to common diseases and difficult to find, and it is difficult to treat in the late stage. Obviously, this artificial intelligence technology has brought about tremendous improvements in the diagnosis of this type of disease.
Dr. Zfania Tom Korach always cared about whether we had any questions during the class, and after we asked questions, he also made a very patient answer, which made us very admire.

After the course, the whole class took a group photo with the two teachers and exchanged gifts with teachers. After the short happy time, we said goodbye to the teacher and ended the day.
After dinner, it was everyone's leisure time. Some groups went to the Lake Charles nearby to enjoy the scenery, and some groups prepared a group representation at the graduation ceremony. On the 4th day of the 2019 summer trip to the United States, the professor was serious and responsible, the schooling went smoothly, the students got along well, the sky in Boston were very blue, the grass was very green, and the architecture of Harvard Medical School was beautiful. Everyone looks forward to the courses and activities in the following days!