
来源:威廉希尔足球编辑: 时间:2009-11-10 点击量:

职称职务 教授、博士生导师
学科专业 分子生理学和生物物理学
联系方式 027-87794006(电话)(传真)
电子邮箱 liming.chen@mail.hust.edu.cn
教育经历 1993.9−1997.7  北京大学,生命科学学院,理学士
1997.8−2002.7 北京大学,生命科学学院,理学博士
工作经历 2002−2007  纽约大学及耶鲁大学,博士后
2007−2008  凯斯西储大学,资深研究助理(Senior Research Associate)
2008−2009  凯斯西储大学,讲师(Instructor)
2008−2015  华中科技老员工命科学与技术学院,副教授
2015−至今  华中科技老员工命科学与技术学院,教授
研究方向 本课题组从事酸碱离子跨膜运输的生物物理学、生理及病理学研究,主要包括:

主持完成多项国家自然科学基金,在PNAS、Journal of the American Society of Nephrology、The Journal of Physiology、American Journal of Physiology、BBA-Biomembranes、Biology of Reproduction等权威期刊发表系列论文。

1. Jin-Lin Wang, Xiao-Yu Wang, Deng-Ke Wang, Mark D. Parker, Raif Musa-Aziz, Jacob Popple, Jun Zhu, Meng Wang, Yi-Min Guo, Ying Liu*, Walter F. Boron, Li-Ming Chen*. Multiple acid-base and electrolyte disturbances upregulate NBCn1, NBCn2, IRBIT and L-IRBIT in the mTAL. The Journal of Physiology. 2020, May 2nd Epub. Doi: 10.1113/JP279009.
2. Meng Wang#, Han Wu#, Ying Liu*, Li-Ming Chen*. Activation of mouse NBCe1-B by Xenopus laevis and mouse IRBITs: role of the variable Nt appendage of IRBITs. BBA-Biomembranes. 2020, 1862 (6): 183240; Epub 2020, Feb 28th. Doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2020.183240.
3. Jin-Lin Wang#, Lei Zhao#, Jun Zhu, Deng-Ke Wang, Mei-Juan Ren, Meng Wang, Ying Liu*, Walter F. Boron, Li-Ming Chen*. Expression, localization, and effect of high salt intake on electroneutral Na+/HCO3– cotransporter NBCn2 in rat small intestine: implication in intestinal NaCl absorption. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019. Oct 29;10:1334. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01334.
4. Zhang-Dong Xie, Yi-Min Guo, Mei-Juan Ren, Jichun Yang, Shao-Fang Wang, Tong-Hui Xu, Li-Ming Chen*, Ying Liu*. The balance of HCO3– secretion versus reabsorption in the endometrial epithelium regulates uterine fluid pH. Frontiers in Physiology. Jan 25th, 2018. 9(12):1-26, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00012
5. Yi-Min Guo#, Ying Liu#, Mei Liu, Jin-Lin Wang, Zhang-Dong Xie, Kang-Jing Chen, Deng-Ke Wang, Rossana Occipinti, Walter F. Boron, Li-Ming Chen*. Na+/HCO3– cotransporter NBCn2 mediates HCO3− reclamation in the apical membrane of renal proximal tubules. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Online on March 9th, 2017. (#equal contribution). (Highlighted by Nature Review Nephrology)
6. Ying Liu, Xiao-Yu Wang, Zhang-Dong Xie, Li-Ming Chen*. Na+/HCO3– cotransporter NBCn1. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2nd Edition. Edited by Sangdun Choi, Springer, Nov. 28th, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-4614-6438-9 (Invited book chapter)
7. Ying Liu, Jichun Yang, Li-Ming Chen*. Structure and Function of SLC4 family HCO3– transporters. Frontiers in Physiology. 2015, 6:355.
8. Deng-Ke Wang#, Ying Liu#, Evan J. Myers, Yi-Min Guo, Zhang-Dong Xie, De-Zhi Jiang, Jia-Min Li, Jichun Yang, Mugen Liu, Mark D. Parker, Li-Ming Chen*. Effects of Nt-truncation and coexpression of isolated Nt domains on the membrane trafficking of electroneutral Na+/HCO3– cotransporters. Scientific Reports. 2015. 5: 12241, p.1−23.
9. Liu Y#, Qin X#, Wang DK, Gill HS, Guo YM, Parker MD, Chen LM*, Boron WF. Effects of optional structural elements, including two alternative amino termini and a new splicing cassette IV, on the function of NBCn1 (SLC4A7). Journal of Physiology. 2013, 591:4983-5004.
10. Liu Y#, Wang DK#, Jiang DZ#, Qin X, Xie ZD, Wang QK, Liu M, Chen LM*. Cloning and functional characterization of novel variants and tissue-specific expression of alternative amino and carboxyl termini of products of Slc4a10. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(2):e55974.
11. Liu Y, Wang DK, Chen LM*. The physiology of bicarbonate transporters in mammalian reproduction. Biology of Reproduction. 2012, 86(4):99, 1-13.
12. Chen LM*, Liu Y, Boron WF*. Role of an extracellular loop in determining the stoichiometry of Na/HCO3 cotransporters. Journal of Physiology, 2011, 589(4) 877-890.
13. Chen LM, Zhao J, Musa-Aziz R, Pelletier M, Drummond IA, Boron WF. Cloning and Characterization of a zebrafish cDNA homologue of human AQP1: A bifunctional water and gas channel. Am J Physiol-Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2010, 299(5):R1163-74.
14. Musa-Aziz R#, Chen LM#, Pelletier MF, Boron WF*. Relative CO2/NH3 selectivities of AQP1, AQP4, AQP5, AmtB, and RhAG. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009, 106(13):5406-5411. (#Co-first author)
15. Walter F. Boron, Liming Chen, Mark D. Parker. Modular Structure of Sodium-Coupled Bicarbonate Transporters. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2009, 212:1697-1706. (Invited Review).
16. L-M Chen*, ML Kelly, MD Parker, HS Gill, JM Felie, BA Davis, WF Boron*. Expression and localization of Na+-driven Cl-HCO3– exchanger (SLC4A8) in rodent CNS. Neuroscience. 2008, 153(1):162-174. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.02.018; PMID: 18359573.
17. Li-Ming Chen*, Michelle L Kelly, Jose D Rojas, Mark D Parker, Harindarpal S Gill, Bruce A Davis, Walter F Boron. Use of a new polyclonal antibody to study the distribution and glycosylation of the sodium-coupled bicarbonate transporter NCBE in rodent brain. Neuroscience. 2008, 151(2):374-385. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.10.015; PMID: 18061361.
18. Li-Ming Chen*, Inyeong Choi, Gabriel G Haddad, Walter F Boron. Chronic continuous hypoxia decreases the expression of SLC4A7 (NBCn1) and SLC4A10 (NCBE) in mouse brain. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007, 293(6):R2412-20. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00497.2007; PMID: 17928512.
19. Volker Endeward, Raif Musa-Aziz, Gordon J Cooper, Li-Ming Chen, Marc F Pelletier, Leila V Virkki, Claudiu T Supuran, Landon S King, Walter F Boron, Gerolf Gros. Evidence that aquaporin 1 is the major pathway for CO2 transport across the human erythrocyte membrane. FASEB Journal, 2006, 20:1974-1981. doi: 10.1096/fj.04-3300com; PMID: 17012249.



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