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科研报告:Scientific manuscript writing

时间:2018-04-22     浏览次数:

报告题目:Scientific manuscript writing
报告人: Professor Mario Gauthier 
         Department of chemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada
时间:2018年4月23日(星期一) 下午14:00 – 16:00


邀请人:杨 光 教授 

Abstract:Writing good quality manuscripts is a skill requiring significant time commitment on the part of researchers, and is a bit counterintuitive in that the style and grammar used are quite different from usual colloquial language forms serving in everyday life. For these reasons, writing scientific papers represents a challenging task, even for native English speakers. While attaining a high technical writing quality level requires many years of training and much attention to details, following a number of basic rules can greatly simplify the task of manuscript writing. Some tips will be provided in this (much too brief) presentation which should help to improve the quality of manuscripts prior to their submission for publication, so as to increase their acceptance in higher impact journals.

Mario Gauthier教授于1984年获得麦吉尔大学化学系科学学士学位,1989年获得麦吉尔大学化学系博士学位。1989年-1991年在德国的弗莱堡大学继续博士后的科研工作,1991年为加拿大滑铁卢大学化学系助理教授,1996年被聘为副教授,2000年至今是滑铁卢大学化学系教授。
Mario Gauthier教授研究方向是高分子化学,主要包括(1)阴离子聚合:通过稳定的自由基聚合反应和乳液聚合获得树枝状/其他接枝聚合物及嵌段共聚物。(2)离子聚合物:离子交联聚合物,聚合(高分子)电解质。1996年至今,已发表50多篇学术论文,主要发表在Macromolecules 、Polymer等高分子领域权威期刊。
