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学术报告_DNA damage response and structural perspective

时间:2010-11-24     浏览次数:

题目:DNA damage response and structural perspective

主讲人:凌红 博士,副教授 (终身教授职位)






加拿大西安大略老员工物化学系(Department of Biochemistry, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario)副教授 (终身教授职位).


博士. 生物化学,加拿大阿伯特大学, 1999

硕士. X光晶体学,中国地质大学, 1985

学士. 应用化学, 中国地质大学, 1982



1999-2003:  美国国家卫生研究院分子生物学实验室, NIDDK


2009 - 至今: 副教授 (终身教授职位),加拿大西安大略老员工物化学系

2003 - 2009: 助教授, 加拿大西安大略老员工物化学系

1993 -1999:  研究助理, 加拿大阿伯特老员工物化学系

1985 -1993:  研究助理, 讲师,中国地质大学X光研究室



     Pauling Prize (honorable mention), American Crystallographic Association, Montreal, 1995


     Fellow Award for Research Excellence, National Institutes of Health, USA, 2004


     CIHR Investigator Salary Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2004


     Peter Lougheed/CIHR New Investigator Award, CIHR, 2004

(加拿大卫生研究Peter Lougheed 新研究员奖)

     Early Researcher Award, Ontario, Canada, 2008


     Terry Fox Research Award (NCIC 2004)

Terry Fox 癌症研究奖)


Peter Lougheed 新研究员奖是加拿大国家卫生研究院奖给加拿大最优秀的年轻研究者的最高奖项


Publications (发表的文章)


1.   Wong JH, Brown JA, Suo Z, Blum P, Nohmi T, Ling H. (2010). Structural insight into dynamic bypass of the major cisplatin-DNA adduct by Y-family polymerase Dpo4. EMBO J., 29(12), 2059-69

2.    Kirouac KN, Ling H. (2009) Structural basis of error-prone replication and stalling at a thymine base by human DNA polymerase iota. EMBO J., 28(11), 1644-54. May 14.

3.   Xing G, Kirouac K, Shin YJ, Bell SD, Ling H. (2009). Structural insight into recruitment of translesion DNA polymerase Dpo4 to sliding clamp PCNA. Mol Microbiol., 71(3),678-91. Epub 2008 Dec 1.

4.   Hlinkova, V., Xing, G., Bauer, J., Shin, J., Dionne, I., Kanagalaghatt, R., Bell, S. D., & Ling, H (2008). Structures of monomeric, dimeric and trimeric PCNA: PCNA-ring assembling and opening. Acta Crystallogr D64, 941-949.

5.  Wong, J. H., Fiala, K., Suo, Z. & Ling, H. (2008). Snapshots of a Y-family DNA polymerase in replication: substrate-induced conformational transitions and implications for fidelity. J. Mol. Biol., 379 (2), 317-330.

6.    Xing, G., Hlinkova, V. & Ling, H. (2007). Purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of the Sulfolobus solfataricus PCNA proteins in different oligomeric forms. Crystal Growth & Design, 7 (11), 2202-2205.

7.  Bauer, J., Xing, G., Yagi, H., Sayer, J. M., Jerina, D. M. & Ling, H. (2007). A structural gap in Dpo4 supports mutagenic bypass of a major benzo[a]pyrene dG adduct in DNA through template misalignment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 104(38), 14905-14910.

8. Fiala, K. A., Brown, J. A., Ling, H., Kshetry, A. K., Zhang, J., Taylor, J. S., Yang, W., & Suo, Z. (2006). Mechanism of template-independent nucleotide incorporation catalyzed by a template-dependent DNA polymerase. J. Mol. Biol. 365, 590-602.

9.   Vaisman, A., Ling, H., Woodgate, R., Yang, W. (2005). Fidelity of Dpo4: effect of metal ions, nucleotide selection and pyrophosphorolysis. EMBO J., 24(17), 2957-2967.

10.  Boudsocq, F., Kokoska, R.J., Plosky, B.S., Vaisman, A., Ling, H., Kunkel, T.A., Yang, W., Woodgate, R. (2004). Investigating the role of the little finger domain of Y-family DNA polymerases in low-fidelity synthesis and translesion replication. J. Biol. Chem., 279(31), 32932-40.

11.  Ling, H., Boudsocq, F., Woodgate, R. & Yang, W. (2004). Snapshots of Replication through an abasic lesion: structural basis for base substitutions and frameshifts. Mol. Cell, 13, 751-762.

12.   Ling, H., Sayer, J. M., Plosky, B. S., Yagi, H., Boudsocq, F., Woodgate, R., Jerina, D. M. & Yang, W. (2004). Crystal Structure of a Benzo[a]pyrene Diol Epoxide Adduct in a Ternary Complex with a DNA Polymerase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 101, 2265-2269.

13. Ling, H., Boudsocq, F., Plosky, B. S., Woodgate, R., and Yang, W. (2003). Replication of a cis-syn thymine dimer at atomic resolution. Nature, Vol. 424, 1083-1087.

14. Boudsocq, F., Ling, H., Yang, W. & Woodgate, R. (2002). Structure-based interpretation of missense mutations in Y-family DNA polymerases and their implications for polymerase function and lesion bypass. DNA Repair, Vol. 1, 343-358.