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时间:2018-10-12     浏览次数:


 1, 报告题目:Whole-Tissue 3D Imaging to Decipher the Neural-Immune Interplay

报告人: 杨竞  北京老员工命科学学院  助理教授

2,报告题目:Surface Modification of Magnesium Alloys Developed for Orthopaedic Applications

报告人:Professor To Ngai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



  杨竞报告人简介具体请见附件              Jing Yang CV.pdf


报告人简介:To NGAI has received his B.S. in chemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 1999. In 2003, he obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry in the same university under the supervision of Professor Chi Wu. He moved to BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany) in 2003 as the postdoctoral fellow for two years in Dr. Helmut Auweter and Dr. Sven-Holger Behrens’s research group. In 2005, he went to Professor Timothy P Lodge’s group in the Chemistry Department of the University of Minnesota as postdoc and then joined the Chemistry Department at CUHK in 2006 as a research assistant professor. He has been appointed as an assistant professor in 2008, and early promoted to associate professor in 2012. In 2017, he was promoted to Professor. His research interests center on various areas of surface and colloid science. He focuses on the design and study the particle behaviour at the fluid interfaces through combination of colloid science, polymer chemistry and soft matter physics. He also focuses on the developing and applying single-particle force microscopy, total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM), and active single-particle microrheometer, to measure the intermolecular and surface forces as well as viscoelastic properties of soft materials.

Orthopaedic problems are becoming a major issue for our health care, which greatly stimulates the development of novel implantable materials, for which magnesium (Mg) and its alloys are most appealing. Compared to traditional metal-based implants, biomedical Mg-based metals demonstrate outstanding advantages, such as high cytocompatibility, favorable mechanical strength, and good biodegradability in physiological conditions. Moreover, recent studies have revealed that the release of magnesium ions (Mg2+) during implantation would promote the growth of new bone tissue. However, low corrosion resistance, fast hydrogen release, and rapid pH increase around the implants have greatly obstructed their broad clinical application. This talk will introduce a novel strategy that has been recently developed in our group for the fabrication of novel polymer coatings that can improve the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys. In particular, we combined the traditional dip-coating method with the non-solvent induced phase separation process to control the formation of various coatings with controlled morphologies, thus improving the corrosion resistance of magnesium implants, while regulating the release of Mg2+ for stimulating bone growth.


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