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学术报告:Nanostructure and utilization of cellulose Appendix: “How to do research and publish it”

时间:2017-07-21     浏览次数:

主讲人: Shigenori Kuga
Professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Japan
时间:2017 年7月25日上午10:00 – 12:00

  Shigenori Kuga教授于1960年获得东京大学理学博士学位,先后任东京大学助理教授、副教授,自1999年起任东京老员工物材料科学研究室教授。主要从事纤维素材料与多糖化学方面的研究工作。担任日本纤维素学会副会长、理事多年,并曾多次担任纤维素,多糖等领域的国际会议主席。Kuga教授以其在生物质材科研究方面取得的成就而闻名,于1996年获得日本第一届纤维素学会奖,他的研究工作主要包括天然纤维素和再生纤维素的晶体结构,天然纤维素的生物合成机理、再生纤维素凝胶的结构分析和利用以及甲壳素生物合成的结构与机制。Kuga教授在纤维素纳米材料,纤维素凝胶等领域也做出了许多原创性的工作。
Shigenori Kuga, Professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, Japan, is famous for his achievements in biomass materials researches. He was awarded the first Cellulose Society of Japan Prize in 1996. His work includes: crystal structure of native and regenerated cellulose, mechanism of bio-synthesis of native cellulose, structural analysis and utilization of regenerated cellulose gel, structure and mechanism of chitin bio-synthesis, He is also keen to application aspects of bio-polymers such as cellulose nanomaterials for innovative technologies. He pioneered the use of cellulose gel as molecular separation materials, developed an apparatus to analyze paper-water interaction, and opened a field of cellulose-based aerogel technology.
