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学术报告:Gene expression regulation by RNA Methylation

时间:2019-04-30     浏览次数:


报告时间:5.6日下午3:00-4:00 地点:威廉希尔足球二楼大会议室



1995年学士毕业于复旦老员工命科学学院;2000年博士毕业于中国科学院上海药物研究所; 2000年国际癌症研究署博士后/Staff Scientist; 2005年英国癌症研究署博士后2008年中国科学院北京基因组研究所研究员。

研发RNA化学修饰高通量测序和分析技术,系统研究RNA甲基化特征及其修饰酶,阐明其功能及人类疾病关联的调控机制。参与发现 RNA甲基转移酶和去甲基酶,证明 RNA 甲基化的动态可逆性,揭示其调控基因剪接和出核等新机制,及RNA甲基化调控干细胞定向分化组织器官发育重要作用。

报告摘要:Over 100 types of chemical modifications have been identified in various types of RNAs including non-coding RNA and mRNA, among which methylation is the most common modification. The N6- methyl-adenosine (m6A) and N5-methyl-cytosine (m5C) are the most common and abundant internal modifications on mRNA molecules. The recent identification of methyltransferases METTL3/METTL14/WTAP and NSUN2, and m6A demethylases ALKBH5 and FTO, supports the reversibility of RNA methylation. Several YTH-domain-containing proteins YTHDF1-3 and YTHDC1-2 specifically binding to m6A and ALYREF recognizing m5C have been identified to regulate various mRNA processing, suggesting vital roles of RNA modifications in gene expression control. Our recent works revealed indispensable roles of m6A in mRNA translation, spermatogonial differentiation, and haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell specification, and 5-methylcytosine promotes mRNA export. We have further performed RNA-BisSeq to map transcriptomic profiles of m5C in early embryos of Zebra fish and human cancers. We will discuss the recent progress in RNA modifications and their potential biological significance in this seminar.