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时间:2018-04-28     浏览次数:


  1. 报告题目:季节性流感预测预警

    报告人:杜向军, 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)教授,博士生导师      


  2. 报告题目:Regulating the activity of a centrifugal modulatory neuron across olfactory regions

        报告人:张小南  University of Maryland   Ph.D




    杜向军, 中山大学公共卫生学院(深圳)教授,博士生导师。2018入选第十四批中组部计划青年项目。2005年威廉希尔物理系本科毕业,2010年中科院生物物理所生物信息学博士毕业,之后在美国国立卫生院生物信息学中心(NCBI)、密歇根大学以及芝加哥老员工态进化系从事计算系统生物学研究,在运用学科交叉方法解决与公共卫生相关的传染病研究方面有着丰富的经验,代表性成果包括基于序列信息的季节性流感快速准确的抗原监测、疫苗株推荐、动力学模拟以及流行强度提前预测等。实验室侧重通过计算系统生物学的方法,综合运用数据分析以及理论建模等手段,定量的研究多种相关因素与传染病的产生、演化、传播以及致病的关系,揭示其背后的生物学机制,指导传染病日常监测、防控与治疗。







    南京大学 生理学 本科 2003-2007

    中科院生物物理研究所 神经生物学 博士 2007-2013


    Research Associate University of Maryland  研究课题: 嗅觉环路的神经调制机制  2014-present

    博士研究生  中科院生物物理研究所,中科院神经所 导师: 郭爱克院士

    研究课题: 高阶视觉信号处理以及跨模态记忆提取机制  2007-2013


            第五届全球感官论坛恒源祥英才奖 2013

    人民奖学金一等奖 2004

    全国老员工数学建模大赛三等奖  2004


    Zhang X, Coates KE, Majot AT, Gaudry Q, Dacks AM, Gunay C. (2018) Spatial modulation of a serotonergic neuron in the olfactory system of Drosophila.In Preparation.

    Zhang X, Gaudry Q (2018) Examining Monosynaptic Connections in Drosophila Using Tetrodotoxin Resistant Sodium Channels. JoVE. In Press

    Coates KE, Majot AT, Zhang X, Michael CT, Spitzer SL, Gaudry Q, Dacks AM.(2017) Identified serotonergic modulatory neurons have heterogeneous synaptic connectivity within the olfactory system of Drosophila. J Neurosci 37(31):7318-31.

    Zhang X, Gaudry Q (2016) Functional integration of a serotonergic neuron in the Drosophila antennal lobe. eLife 5:e16836

    Zhang X*, Liu H*, Lei Z, Wu Z, Guo A (2013) Lobula-specific visual projection neurons are involved in perception of motion-defined second-order motion in Drosophila. J Exp Biol 216:524-534

    Zhang X, Ren Q, Guo A. (2013) Parallel pathways for cross-modal memory retrieval in Drosophila. J Neurosci 33(20):8784-93.



    Serotonin (5-HT) is a ubiquitous neuromodulator that is found throughout phylogeny where it alters sensory, motor and cognitive function. In mammals, serotonergic cells reside in the raphe nucleus and project in a centrifugal manner to a broad range of targets including most of the cerebral cortex and sensory structures including the olfactory bulb. Serotonin modulates olfactory processing and impacts olfactory- mediated behaviors. How serotonin modulates different olfactory areas, and whether the same serotonergic neuron can serve different functions across its dendritic arbors remains unknown. To address these issues, we are using the Drosophila olfactory system, which possesses a single serotonergic cell (the CSDn) that innervates second and third order olfactory areas. Previous work from our lab showed that these neurons have pre- and post-synaptic molecular markers in each dendritic branch suggesting they may have the capacity to operate independently. Here, we performed in vivo two-photon imaging on CSDn neurites in a fast volume-scanning pattern and presented odors to map the receptive fields of the CSD neurons. In the first olfactory relay (antennal lobe), CSDn dendrites are inhibited in an odor independent manner. All odors inhibit the CSDn with the same spatial pattern and individual odors simply scale this pattern up or down. In third order olfactory areas (lateral horn), CSDn dendrites are excited with an odor-specific spatial pattern. These results imply that the CSDn may modulate the olfactory circuits in the AL in a general way, but modulate olfactory channels more specifically in the LH. By isolating the CSDn's neurites in the LH from AL, we further demonstrated that the inhibition input in the AL may play a gain control role the reciprocal connection and functional modulation in the LH.