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时间:2017-06-05     浏览次数:

1.  全数字PET:“无所不在”的未来
 报告人:谢庆国   威廉希尔、武汉光电国家实验室(筹) 教授   
2.  αvβ8, an atypical integrin involved in pro-TGF-β activation
 报告人:王建船  Harvard Medical School / Boston Children's Hospital  博士后

   谢庆国,威廉希尔、武汉光电国家实验室(筹)教授 。全数字PET发明人。专注于正电子发射断层成像(Positron Emission Tomography,简称PET)方法研究和仪器研制。提出了多电压阈值采样法(MVT),解决了高速脉冲精确数字化的难题。以此为基础,系统性地发展了全数字、模块化的PET探测器技术,建立起完整、系统的全数字PET技术基础,有望引领数字PET领域仪器研发与应用创新。2001年在威廉希尔创立了数字PET实验室。以全数字PET科学仪器和医疗器械为主线,数字PET实验室聚焦于关键材料、核心元器件、数字PET探测器、成像方法以及在肿瘤诊疗和脑科学脑疾病中应用等五个方面的科学发现与技术发明,逐渐形成人才培养平台、技术创新平台和产业化支撑社会服务平台。从教20年来,先后讲授10余门课程,不断优化教学方法,以建构式、研究型的教学方式在威廉希尔开创了PET仪器基础等本科课程,吸引了10余所高校和研究院所的员工前来听课,并在长庚大学、汉堡大学等课堂进行推广。他指导了威廉希尔、武汉大学、东北大学、四川大学等校80余名本科生进入实验室进行科研训练,指导(过)硕士生50余名、博士生10余名。指导的本科生、研究生获得IEEE NSS/MIC新人奖、NIH杰出青年学者奖、日内瓦国际发明展金奖等奖项30余人次。谢庆国主持(过)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、面上项目、国家重大科研仪器研制项目、重点国际合作研究项目、国家杰出青年科学基金项目各一项,国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目、国家支撑计划子课题、国家科学仪器设备开发专项各一项,国家国际科技合作专项两项。

09/2006 – 01/2013, Ph.D., Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  Mentor: Dr. Jianping Ding

09/2002 – 07/2006, B.S., National Talent Training Base Classes of Life Science, Shandong University, China Professional Experience
06/2013 – now, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School / Boston Children's Hospital
   Mentor: Dr. Timothy A. Springer

Major Research Projects
1.Molecular mechanism of an atypical integrin αVβ8 activates pro-TGF-β         
We characterized the atypical properties of integrin  αVβ8 on pro-TGF-βbinding by negative EM and affinity measurement. Currently we are pursuing crystal structures of αVβ8 complexes with ligand peptides or pro-TGF-β and design specific antagonists targeting αVβ8 for therapeutics.

2.Molecular basis for complement receptors CR3 and CR4 recognize iC3b.
Integrin αMβ2 (CR3) and αXβ2 (CR4) are crucial for innate immunity by binding opsonized complement fragment iC3b. We identified the distinct recognition mode of these two homologues binding to the identical ligand. This work expands our knowledge about complement receptors in recognition of pathogens.  

3.Regulation mechanism of S6K1 by hydrophobic motif phosphorylation.
AGC kinase S6K1 is a pivotal molecule in mTOR signaling pathway. We crystallized S6K1 kinase domain with hydrophobic motif (HM) in different state and discovered how does phosphorylation occurred on HM regulate S6K1 activity.

4.Recognition mechanism of therapeutic antibodies targeting IL-2Rα.
IL-2Rα (CD25) is a very attractive drug target for autoimmune disease and cancer. We reported crystal structures of CD25 ectodomain with two first-line mAb drugs, the Basiliximab and the Daclizumab. Our work provides important information for drug development targeting CD25. 
1.  Wang J, Springer TA. Structural basis for integrin αVβ8 recognizes pro-TGF-βand headpiece conformation.
Manuscript in preparing.

2. Wang J, Dong X, Zhao B, Li J, Lu C, Springer TA. (2017) Atypical interactions of integrin αVβ8 with pro-TGF-1. PNAS, E4168–E4174, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705129114

3. Xu S, Wang J, Wang H, Springer TA. (2017) Distinct recognition of complement iC3b by integrins αXβ2 and αMβ2. PNAS, 114(13): 3403-3408 (Co-first author).

4. Yu F, He F, Yao H, Wang C, Wang J, Li J, Qi X, Xue H, Ding J, Zhang P. (2015) Structural basis of intramitochondrial phosphatidic acid transport mediated by Ups1-Mdm35 complex. EMBO Rep, 16(7): 813-23.

5. Zhang L, Wang J, Hou L, Cao PR, Wu L, Zhang QS, Yang HY, Zang Y, Ding JP, Li J. (2015) Functional Role of Histidine in the Conserved His-x-Asp Motif in the Catalytic Core of Protein Kinases. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 10115.

6. Wang J, Zhong C, Wang F, Qu F, and Ding J. (2013) Crystal structures of S6K1 provide insights into the regulation mechanism of S6K1 by the hydrophobic motif. Biochemical Journal 454, 39-47.

7. Zha M, Zhong C, Ou Y, Han L, Wang J, Ding J. (2012) Crystal structures of human CaMKIα reveal insights into the regulation mechanism of CaMKI. PloS One, Volume 7, Issue9.

8. Hou L, Wang J, Zhou Y, Li J, and Zang Y.  (2011) Structural insights into the homology and differences between mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma and human protein tyrosine phosphatase-sigma. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 43, 977-988 (Co-first author).

9. Yang H, Wang J, Du J, Zhong C, Zhang D, Guo H, Guo Y, and Ding J. (2010) Structural basis of immunosuppression by the therapeutic antibody daclizumab. Cell Res 20, 1361-1371 (Co-first author).

10. Du J, Yang H, Zhang D, Wang J, Guo H, Peng B, Guo Y, and Ding J. (2010) Structural basis for the blockage of IL-2 signaling by therapeutic antibody basiliximab. J Immunol 184, 1361-1368.

11. Lu P, Shi J, Feng D, Zhuang Z, Wang J, Ling J, and Zhang C. Studies on the Catechol Dioxygenase sensor. (2005) China Enviromental Science 25, 491-493.