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学术讲座_Tissue engineering in neuronal trauma and repair

时间:2011-10-11     浏览次数:


Tissue engineering in neuronal trauma and repair


演讲者:   Dr. Riyi Shi, Professor

                Center for Paralysis Research

Department of Basic Medical Sciences

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

时间:      20111013日星期四,上午10:00-12:00

地点:      威廉希尔足球二楼会议室



Mechanical injury to the spinal cord often results in tissue degeneration and functional loss that leads to permanent paralysis. Effective prognosis and treatment of this type of injury is virtually non-existent because of the poor understanding of the mechanisms of injury and the mechanical properties of the spinal cord. In fact, a meaningful relationship between applied force, resultant deformation patterns and corresponding tissue damage (functional and anatomical) remains elusive.

Biography of Dr. Riyi Shi

Dr. Riyi Shi received his B. S in Medical Science in 1984 from Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, his M. S. in 1988 from The University of North Texas and his Ph. D in 1994 from Purdue University. Currently he is a professor at Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

Dr. Riyi Shi is a medical scientist specializing in uncovering the mechanisms of central nervous system trauma and instituting new treatments through innovative experimentation and pioneering new strategies in the field. His research contributions includes originating the use of double sucrose gap technique for recording action potential conduction, establishing the methods of neuronal membrane resealing by polyethelyne glycol (PEG), and identifying acrolein as a key pathological factor in spinal cord injury. His research interests also include using nanotechnology to improve drug delivery to nervous tissue and incorporating biomedical engineering principles to enhance neuronal repair. This includes designing innovative scaffolds to enhance neuronal regeneration and using bioadhesives for neuronal tissue repair.


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