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时间:2019-04-16     浏览次数:

报告人  :刘尽尧 研究员,上海交通大学

报告时间: 20194239:00-10:30


邀请人  :李子福 教授


刘尽尧,上海交通大学分子医学研究院、上海市肿瘤研究所癌基因及相关基因国家重点实验室,研究员,博士生导师。2013年获上海交通大学材料科学与工程专业博士学位(导师:中科院院士颜德岳教授),20132018年分别在杜克老员工物医学与工程系(导师:美国发明院院士、系主任Ashutosh Chilkoti教授)以及麻省理工学院Koch肿瘤研究所(导师:美国科学院、工程院、医学院三院院士Robert Langer教授)从事博士后研究。研究兴趣主要包括肠道菌群与疾病治疗、生物界面与肿瘤免疫、纳米药物与药物递送、肿瘤早期诊断与成像等。目前主持上海市高峰高原计划、国自然面上基金等。至今,在Nat. Commun.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Adv. Mater.等期刊上发表论文30余篇,所发表论文SCI他引1400余次。相关工作被MIT NewsBoston Herald等媒体报道。曾获教育部博士学术新人奖、卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖、上海市优秀博士论文、上海交通大学优秀毕业生等。受邀在美国戈登会议(GRC)等做大会报告。


Developing innovative engineering methodologies that allow for the preparation of precisely defined polymeric therapeutics by simple strategies has significant fundamental interest and enormous potential for medical applications. In this presentation, I will share three stories about using synthetic chemistry to prepare biomedical polymers with aims to improve the delivery of drugs including small molecules and biopharmaceuticals. The first story will cover some recent works we have done on extended oral drug delivery to treat infectious diseases by a single administration. We synthesize a triggerable tough hydrogel to serve as gastric-resident dosage forms which help to achieve continuous drug release up to 5 days after a single oral dose and significantly improved safety profile in a large animal model. The second story will focus on conjugating protein drugs with polymers for treating type-2 diabetes. We develop a modular method to synthesize precisely defined protein/peptide–polymer conjugates in a well-controlled manner of site–specific, stoichiometric and high yield, and show that a single subcutaneous injection of the resultant conjugates to mice reaches an extended glucose reduction up to 3 days. Lastly, I will introduce a versatile approach to prepare well-defined drug loaded nanoparticles via ring-opening polymerization of prodrug monomers for tumor chemotherapy. The obtained nanoparticles with ultra-high drug loading capacity demonstrate enhanced antitumor efficacy and reduced systemic toxicity in contrast to its free drug in a mouse model. Following this presentation, I’d like to introduce a little bit about the recent progress we have made independently on gut microbes.