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学术报告_How the Structure of Natural Hydrocolloids can be adjusted to Provide a Uniform and improved Product Performance without Prejudicing their Regulatory Status

时间:2011-10-31     浏览次数:


题目1How the Structure of Natural Hydrocolloids can be adjusted to Provide a Uniform and improved Product Performance without Prejudicing their Regulatory Status

题目2Examples will be taken by reference to research on the exudates Gums Arabic and Ghatti, sugar beet pectin Hyaluronan and Related Materials

主讲人: Prof. Glyn O. Phillips

Hydrocolloids Research Centres, Glyndwr University, Wales UK

Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, China

时间:2011113日下午230 - 430




Glyn.O.Phillips教授毕业于英国东北威尔士大学化学专业,获得理学学士学位,理学博士。Glyn.O.Phillips教授是化学家和英国皇家化学学会院士,是英国威尔士地区的格林多大学教授(原董事长),是英国Phillips亲水胶体研究所主席,同时也是Food Hydrocollids国际杂志的创立者。Glyn.O.Phillips教授在国际学术界内极具声望,是亲水胶体学科的奠基人,被誉为“现代亲水胶体科学之父”。

Glyn.O.Phillips教授的研究兴趣是碳水化合物和生物材料,特别是食品胶体和结缔组织相关的生物高聚物。Glyn.O.Phillips教授写了56本书并国际顶级杂志上发表了586篇文章,包括:New FibersInnovation & Technology TransferGums and Stabilisers12本书),Cellucon series8本书)和Hyaluronan