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时间:2013-10-24     浏览次数:


为了加快实施人才强国战略,通过引进国外智力促进教科文卫事业的科学发展,努力提升教科文卫领域人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承的能力和水平,国家外国专家局设立了 “高端外国专家项目”。现就2014年度该项目申报事项通知如下:
1. 在国外著名高校、科研院所担任相当教授职务的专家学者,一般应在海外取得博士学位;
2. 在国际知名教育科技、文化艺术、新闻出版或体育卫生机构担任高级职务的专业技术人才;
3. 拥有自主知识产权或掌握核心技术的创新人才;
4. “外专计划”入选专家工作团队中的主要成员;
5. 国家急需紧缺的其他高层次外国专家。

联系人:国际交流处 肖丽娜
电 话:87556854 Email:linaxiao@hust.edu.cn
地 址:威廉希尔国际交流处专家办公室(南三楼401)
Recruitment Program of High-end Foreign Experts
1. Applicants should be non-ethnic Chinese experts;
2. Applicants should, in principle, be 65 years of age or under (born after January 1, 1949);
3. Applicants should be able to work in China for at least 60 days (accumulative total) throughout January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014;
4. Applicants should be high-end experts who work in the field of education, science, culture or public health and should additionally meet ONE OF the following criteria:
 (1) experts or scholars with full professorship or the equivalent in prestigious foreign universities or R&D institutes and having his/her doctorate granted by overseas educational institutions;
 (2)technical professionals at senior positions in renowned international institutions in the area of education, science & technology, culture & arts, press & publications, sports or public health;
 (3) talents with innovative capabilities holding proprietary intellectual property right or key technologies;
 (4) Selected major members on the work team of "One Thousand Foreign Experts Plan";
 (5) Other high-level foreign experts in the most needed fields.
Financial support & entitlement:
1. Experts recruited will be provided with salary and other relevant payments (State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) will pay up to 60% of the salary specified in the contract or agreement signed between the experts and his/or her Chinese employers);
2. Experts recruited will be provided with a subsidy covering his/her international travel, living expenses, and transportation fees etc. in accordance with regulations issued by SAFEA (No.87,2010);
3. Experts recruited who have made outstanding contribution will be granted the Friendship Award by the Chinese Government in accordance with the procedures concerned;
4. Experts recruited will be provided with entry and exit convenience and other supportive services;
5. Experts recruited who have received excellent reviews on his /her program can be entitled to the financial support in the following year with re-submitted  application.
