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时间:2023-07-05     浏览次数:







今天上午的重头戏是法国SOLEIL同步辐射光源 (Source Optimisée de Lumière à Energie Intermédiaire du LURE)的参观。与此巧合的是,“SOLEIL”在法文中,正好是“太阳”的意思,对应了其通过加速电子产生高能电子束和各波长电磁波的功能。

SOLEIL落成于2006年12月18日,其间几经波折。从外观看,SOLEIL呈现出优美的圆形,像一个精致的瓷盘。研究所的工作人员们向我们介绍了它的基本构成和工作原理。SOLEIL主要分为电子枪(Electron gun)、直线加速器(LINAC)、放大器(Booster)、储存环(Storage ring),电子从电子枪中射出,首先经过直线加速器的加速,使电子获得一定能量,随后再在放大器中进行进一步加速,经过这两步加速过后,粒子进入储存环产生光束。众所周知,磁场对于带电粒子具有力的作用,环形的回旋加速器正是通过磁场使粒子作圆周运动,再通过电场对粒子进行加速从而达到获得高能电子的目的的。加速的电子束产生同步辐射光,频率从红外、远红外到紫外、X射线不等。这些光束可以满足各种高标准的科研需求,如物理学、化学、生命科学甚至考古学。


午饭后我们来到了IPS2研究所,在这里老师为我们讲解了相关知识,我们了解到了IPS2通过结合基因组学/表观基因组学,细胞生物学,生物信息学,生物化学,遗传学和生理学,应用多学科方法,为预测生物学开发必要的建模工具,并促进物种的转化研究 具有栽培物种的模型。在讲解完后我们还在老师带领下参观了研究所,看到了许多这里培育的植物。



晚上七点左右,大家参加了Sylvain举办的欢迎会。有很多嘉宾也一同参加了此次欢迎会,例如萨克雷大学上一任董事长,对项目筹备做出重要贡献的官员,以及大学优秀员工代表等等。他们分别致欢迎辞,表达了对于中国员工们的热烈欢迎以及对于“Summer school”的美好期盼。同学们认真聆听他们的欢迎词,并为每个人都献上了热烈的掌声。


Today is the third day of French research. Geting out of the door, the pale golden sun and the cold breeze put on the cheek. We went to school with Sylvain for breakfast.  

The highlight of this morning was a visit to the Source Optimisee DE Lumiere a En ergie Intermediaire du LURE. It is a coincidence that SOLEIL means "the sun" in French, which corresponds to the function of producing high-energy electron beams and electromagnetic waves at all wavelengths by accelerating electrons.

SOLEIL was completed on December 18, 2006, during which several twists and turns. From the appearance, SOLEIL presents a beautiful circle, like a delicate porcelain plate. The institute's staff members introduced us to the basic composition and working principle. SOLEIL is mainly divided into Electron gun, linear accelerator (LINAC), amplifier (Booster), Storage ring. Further acceleration is then made in the amplifier, and after these two steps of acceleration, the particle enters the storage ring to produce a beam of light. As is known to all, the magnetic field plays a force on charged particles. It is through the magnetic field that the circular cyclotron makes particles move in circles, and then accelerates particles through the electric field to achieve the purpose of obtaining high-energy electrons. The accelerated electron beam produces synchrotron radiation, ranging from infrared, far infrared to ultraviolet and X-ray. These beams meet high standards of scientific research, such as physics, chemistry, life science and even archaeology.  

The crew showed us the internal structure, from the inside, the composition is as delicate and subtle as the human body, mechanical parts intermesh, like human bones and flesh and blood. The huge machinery we see on weekdays may be just a small unit here, such a huge and delicate device, which is really amazing. Give respect to human wisdom and perseverance.

After lunch we came to the IPS2 Institute, where the teacher explained the relevant knowledge for us, and we learned that IPS2 applies a multidisciplinary approach by combining genomics/epigenomics, cell biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, genetics and physiology, develops necessary modeling tools for predictive biology, and promotes translational research of species with models of cultivated species. After the explanation, we also visited the institute under the guidance of the teacher and saw many plants cultivated here.

In the afternoon, Mr. Janek explained the scientific plan during the summer camp for us, and led us to browse through the experimental content and experimental methods. In general, we need to pick up a mountain of pond water in fondenbleau forest, and then identify and study colonies by PCR,DNA sequencing and other technologies.

The teacher's explanation is very clear, warm and also infected us, let us for the future days full of waiting and yearning.

At about seven o 'clock in the evening, everyone attended the reception held by sylvain. Many guests also attended the reception together, such as the former President of the university, and some representatives. They delivered their welcome speeches, expressing their warm welcome to Chinese students and their beautiful hopes for "summer school". The students listened to their welcome words carefully and gave them warm applause for everyone.

After the welcome speech, the party officially begins. French pop songs were played on the stereo, and students took pictures with French guests. Of course, the classic French food -- cheese and stick -- is also an integral part of it. The atmosphere of the party is happy and harmonious, and truly shows the beauty and harmony of sino-french friendship.